O papel dos Sistemas Técnicos e Normativo na reconfiguração do território: o caso do município de Ipojuca/PE - Brasil
Silva, Elias Gomes da
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Este trabalho busca entender as transformações territoriais pelas quais passa o município
do Ipojuca localizado no Estado de Pernambuco-Brasil, relacionadas ao advento do
período técnico-científico-informacional. Procurou-se compreender como as técnicas e as
normas impostas verticalmente pelos agentes hegemônicos foram se articulado para
adequar o território as necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de
levantamento bibliográfico e de visitas a este município para o entendimento dos papéis
desenvolvidos pelos diversos elementos que fazem parte desse processo, possibilitando a
compreensão de sua dinâmica socioterritorial. O estudo mostra que as profundas
transformações que reconfiguram o território do Ipojuca começam a partir de 1975 com a
implantação do Complexo Industrial Portuário do Suape (CIPS) que gerou conflitos
relativos ao uso e ocupação do solo. Observou-se que a comunhão entre Capital e Estado
criou as condições necessárias para a instalação de um novo sistema técnico
representado pelo CIPS, e normas que garantiram a adequação deste território ao
imperativo do mercado, tendo como consequência um processo excludente de divisão do
território. Uma das consequências das ações deste megaempreendimento foi a expulsão
das comunidades locais que ali residiam a mais de 200 anos e que foram obrigadas a
ocupar parte deste território com a construção de favelas e palafitas. Por outro lado os
agentes econômicos imobiliários, através de financiamentos públicos, modernizam
parcelas deste território com a construção de projetos urbanísticos denominados ‘Bairros
Planejados’. Esta dinâmica opondo, de um lado, a população que mora em ocupações
irregulares e, do outro, aquelas com melhores poderes aquisitivo está ampliando a
segregação socioterritorial. A relação entre os agentes hegemônicos do capital nacional e
internacional utilizando-se intensivamente da técnica, da ciência e da informação e os
diversos entes do Estado vai impondo uma lógica corporativa onde o espaço é visto
apenas pelo seu valor de troca negligenciando seu valor de uso. Desta maneira, tanto o
sistema técnico, quanto o normativo, constituiram-se como fatores de ampliação das
desigualdades e das vulnerabilidades sociais e territoriais observadas no município do
This study aims to understand the territorial transformations that is related to the advent of scientific-technical-information period, through which Ipojuca town has been undergone. Ipojuca is located in Pernambuco State, in Brazil. We have tried to understand how the techniques and standards imposed by hegemonic agents have been vertically articulated to suit the territory to the market needs. As a methodological design, this research has been developed from bibliographic survey and visits to Ipojuca in order to understand the roles played by several elements that are part of this process, thus, enabling the comprehension of its social and territorial dynamics. The study also shows that the profound transformations that refigure the territory of Ipojuca started in 1975 with the implementation of the Industrial Port Complex of Suape (IPSC) which generated conflicts, concerning the use and occupation of the soil. It has been observed that the connection between the Capital and the State created the conditions necessary for the installation of a new technical system represented by the IPSC, as well as standards that ensured the adequacy of this territory to the imperative of the market. Thus, it has resulted in an exclusive process of the division of territory. One of the consequences of the actions of this mega-enterprise was the expulsion of the local communities who had lived there more than 200 years and were forced to occupy part of this territory with the construction of slums and stilts. On the other hand, the economic agents, through public funding, modernized portions of this territory with the construction of urban projects, such as, “Planned Neighborhoods”. This dynamic made oppositions when it comes to the fact that, on one side, the population is living in irregular land occupations and, on the other hand, those with better economical power is expanding the social and territorial segregation. The relationship between the hegemonic agents of the national/international capital have been using the technique, science and information intensively, as well as the various State entities in their favor to impose the logic business where space is only seen by its exchange value, neglecting its value in use. Thus, it has been noted that both the technical and the legal system have been seen as factors that increase the of social and territorial inequalities and vulnerabilities which have been observed in Ipojuca town.
This study aims to understand the territorial transformations that is related to the advent of scientific-technical-information period, through which Ipojuca town has been undergone. Ipojuca is located in Pernambuco State, in Brazil. We have tried to understand how the techniques and standards imposed by hegemonic agents have been vertically articulated to suit the territory to the market needs. As a methodological design, this research has been developed from bibliographic survey and visits to Ipojuca in order to understand the roles played by several elements that are part of this process, thus, enabling the comprehension of its social and territorial dynamics. The study also shows that the profound transformations that refigure the territory of Ipojuca started in 1975 with the implementation of the Industrial Port Complex of Suape (IPSC) which generated conflicts, concerning the use and occupation of the soil. It has been observed that the connection between the Capital and the State created the conditions necessary for the installation of a new technical system represented by the IPSC, as well as standards that ensured the adequacy of this territory to the imperative of the market. Thus, it has resulted in an exclusive process of the division of territory. One of the consequences of the actions of this mega-enterprise was the expulsion of the local communities who had lived there more than 200 years and were forced to occupy part of this territory with the construction of slums and stilts. On the other hand, the economic agents, through public funding, modernized portions of this territory with the construction of urban projects, such as, “Planned Neighborhoods”. This dynamic made oppositions when it comes to the fact that, on one side, the population is living in irregular land occupations and, on the other hand, those with better economical power is expanding the social and territorial segregation. The relationship between the hegemonic agents of the national/international capital have been using the technique, science and information intensively, as well as the various State entities in their favor to impose the logic business where space is only seen by its exchange value, neglecting its value in use. Thus, it has been noted that both the technical and the legal system have been seen as factors that increase the of social and territorial inequalities and vulnerabilities which have been observed in Ipojuca town.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-
Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-
Americanos da Universidade Federal da
Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito
parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos
Orientador: Rubens de Toledo Junior
Propriedade territorial - Ipojuca (Pernambuco), Geografia humana, Economia regional
SILVA, Elias Gomes da. O papel dos Sistemas Técnicos e Normativo na reconfiguração do território: o caso do município de Ipojuca/PE - Brasil. 2017. 162 p. Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), 2017.