Construcciones y persistencias identitaria en Tacna (1940-2017). La tensión entre “tacneños” y “puneños” por su afirmación cultural en la ciudad
Pastor Seperak, Marly Mahly
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Marly Mahly Pastor Seperak
Esta investigación busca explicar cómo con la inmigración puneña aymara a Tacna (una ciudad al extremo sur del Perú) se desarrollan cambios económicos, urbanísticos, políticos y culturales en la ciudad, ocasionando, a su vez, tensión sociocultural entre la población que se dice oriunda de Tacna —representantes de la tradición histórica oficial de la ciudad— y la población puneña aymara residente en Tacna —un grupo étnico empoderado sobre todo económicamente en la ciudad. El estudio es un aporte a la documentación social de Tacna y al campo interdisciplinario de los Estudios Culturales pues aborda el tema de la identidad, etnicidad y memoria cultural como base teórica para explicar el proceso de construcción, reproducción y afirmación identitaria de “tacneños” y “puneños”. Se sostiene que la ciudad y el conflicto estimulan la resistencia de dos identidades que se perciben divergentes: una étnica subalterna, la aymara, y otra de carácter nacional hegemónica, la “patriótica”; el conflicto entre ambas lleva implícito la lucha por el poder simbólico que le otorga el empoderamiento cultural del centro de la ciudad.
This research seeks to explain how with puneña aymara immigration to Tacna (a city in the extreme south of Peru) economic, urban, political and cultural changes in the city werw developed, producing, at the same time, socio-cultural tension among the population that is said to be native of Tacna - representatives of the official historical tradition of the city - and the aymara puneño who lives in Tacna - an ethnic group empowered above all economically in the city. The study is a contribution to the social documentation of Tacna and the interdisciplinary field of Cultural Studies because it addresses the issue of identity, ethnicity and cultural memory as a theoretical basis to explain the process of construction, reproduction and identity affirmation of "tacneños" and "puneños". It is argued that the city and the conflict stimulate the resistance of two identities that are perceived as divergent: an ethnic subaltern, the aymara, and another of a hegemonic national character, the "patriotic" one; the conflict between both implies the struggle for the symbolic power that gives the cultural empowerment of the city center
This research seeks to explain how with puneña aymara immigration to Tacna (a city in the extreme south of Peru) economic, urban, political and cultural changes in the city werw developed, producing, at the same time, socio-cultural tension among the population that is said to be native of Tacna - representatives of the official historical tradition of the city - and the aymara puneño who lives in Tacna - an ethnic group empowered above all economically in the city. The study is a contribution to the social documentation of Tacna and the interdisciplinary field of Cultural Studies because it addresses the issue of identity, ethnicity and cultural memory as a theoretical basis to explain the process of construction, reproduction and identity affirmation of "tacneños" and "puneños". It is argued that the city and the conflict stimulate the resistance of two identities that are perceived as divergent: an ethnic subaltern, the aymara, and another of a hegemonic national character, the "patriotic" one; the conflict between both implies the struggle for the symbolic power that gives the cultural empowerment of the city center
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-
Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-
Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração
Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção
do título de Mestra em Estudos Latino-Americanos.
Orientador: Dr. Andrea Ciacchi
Tacna (Perú), Migração interna, Características nacionais, Etnologia, Poder (ciências sociais)
PASTOR SEPERAK, Marly Mahly. Construcciones y persistencias identitarias em Tacna 1940-2017: la tensión entre tacneños y puneños por su afirmación cultural en la ciudad. 2018. 140 p. Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos) - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americanos, (Unila), Foz do Iguaçu, 2018.