A compreensão da urbanidade pela morfologia urbana: as vilas de Itaipu
Rammé, Juliana
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Esta pesquisa discute os reflexos das configurações morfológicas das cidades contemporâneas na vida cotidiana das pessoas, sobretudo nos territórios habitacionais. Para isso, é preciso compreender a relação dinâmica que se estabelece entre a estrutura físico-espacial da paisagem urbana e as atividades cotidianas que regem a vida pública, chamada de urbanidade. A caracterização da urbanidade depende da análise conjunta dos seis elementos que a condicionam: a articulação do tecido urbano, a densidade urbana, a diversidade de uso e ocupação do solo, a relação entre o espaço público e o espaço privado, as distâncias intraurbanas e o uso e apropriação nos espaços públicos e coletivos. Desses seis elementos, cinco apresentam características predominantemente físico-espaciais e sua leitura pode ser realizada a partir da identificação das diferentes Regiões Morfológicas que formam a paisagem urbana, que por sua vez, referem-se à classificação dos padrões de repetição encontrados no plano urbano, no tecido edificado e no uso do solo. Nas cidades contemporâneas, esses três complexos têm se estruturado a partir de intensos processos de expansão urbana, como é o caso de Foz do Iguaçu (BR), que teve seu crescimento urbano impulsionado, sobretudo, pela implantação da usina hidrelétrica Itaipu Binacional e pela construção de suas vilas operárias, no Brasil e no Paraguai, a partir da década de 1970. Essas vilas foram divididas em categorias, conforme o nível funcional da classe trabalhadora da empresa, e construídas com diferentes padrões morfológicos que correspondiam a esse status social. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa fundamenta-se na hipótese que as diferentes estratégias de desenho urbano adotadas para construção das Vilas de Itaipu apresentam impacto direto na vida cotidiana da população e, por consequência, na caracterização da
urbanidade. Portanto, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é caracterizar a urbanidade a partir da identificação das diferentes Regiões Morfológicas que compõem a paisagem urbana das Vilas de Itaipu. Por meio de estudo de caso, foi desenvolvido método de leitura que possui três etapas: compreensão dos processos de expansão urbana nos municípios onde foram implantadas as Vilas de Itaipu, identificação das Regiões
Morfológicas e, por fim, a relação dessas regiões com os elementos que condicionam a urbanidade. Com isso, conclui-se que a formação e a transformação da paisagem urbana das Vilas de Itaipu analisadas apresentam características distintas, influenciadas, em grande parte, pelo modo como elas foram implantadas, seja pela influência do urbanismo modernista no desenho urbano das vilas destinadas para os
técnicos e funcionários administrativos ou pela reprodução de um modelo habitacional segregador vinculado às hidrelétricas e grandes obras, no caso das vilas brasileiras. Além disso, ao analisar os elementos que condicionam a urbanidade, compreendeu-se que, embora a diversidade de uso e ocupação do solo tenha sido identificada como um dos principais elementos que impulsionam a realização de atividades cotidianas nas Vilas de Itaipu analisadas, a organização do plano urbano e as relações entre as
áreas edificadas e as áreas dos lotes também assumem importância fundamental na criação de espaços que suportam e incentivam diferentes tipos de práticas sociais, confirmando a hipótese inicial. Por fim, a pesquisa contribui com o desenvolvimento de um método de leitura da urbanidade à luz da morfologia urbana e espera-se que possa contribuir na promoção para formulação e revisão de políticas públicas que
busquem por cidades mais humanizadas.
This research discusses the reflexes of the morphological configurations of contemporary cities in people's daily lives, especially in housing territories. To that end, it is necessary to understand urbanity, i.e. the dynamic relation that is established between the physical-spatial structure of the urban landscape and the daily activities that govern public life. The characterization of urbanity depends on the joint analysis of the six elements that condition it: the urban fabric articulation, the urban density, the diversity of land use and occupation, the relation between public and private space, intra-urban distances and the use and appropriation in public and collective spaces. Of these six elements, five present predominantly physical-spatial characteristics and can be read from the identification of the different Morphological Regions that form the urban landscape, which, in turn, refer to the classification of repetition patterns found in the urban plan, in the built up fabric and in the use of the soil. In contemporary cities, these three complexes have been structured based on intense urban expansion processes, as in the case of Foz do Iguaçu (BR), which had its urban growth driven, above all, by the implantation of Itaipu Binacional Hydroelectric Dam and the construction of its workers' villages, in Brazil and Paraguay, from the 1970s onwards. These villages were divided into three categories, according to the functional level of the company's employees, and built with different morphological patterns that corresponded to this social status. Therefore, this research is based on the hypothesis that the different strategies of urban design adopted for the construction of Itaipu Villages may have a direct impact on the population daily and, consequently, on the characterization of urbanity. Thus, the general objective of this research is to characterize urbanity from the identification of the different Morphological Regions that make up the Villages of Itaipu urban landscape. Through a case study, a reading method was developed that has three stages: understanding the urban expansion processes in the municipalities where the Itaipu Villages were implanted, identifying the Morphological Regions and, finally, analyzing the relationship of these regions with the elements that condition urbanity. Thereby, it appears that the formation and transformation of the analyzed Villages of Itaipu urban landscape have distinct characteristics, influenced, in large part, by the way they were implemented, either by the influence of modernist urbanism in the urban design of the villages destined for technicians and administrative employees or by the reproduction of a segregating housing model associated to hydroelectric dams and Brazilians large projects. In addition, when analyzing the elements that condition urbanity, the conclusion is that, although the diversity of land use and occupation has been identified as one of the main elements that drive the realization of daily activities in the analyzed Villages of Itaipu, the organization of the urban plan and the relations between the built areas and the areas of the lots also assume fundamental importance in the creation of spaces that support and encourage different types of social practices, which confirms the initial hypothesis. Finally, this research cooperates with the developing of a method for reading urbanity in the light of urban morphology and it is hoped that it can also contribute to the formulation and reviewing of public policies that seek for more humanized cities.
This research discusses the reflexes of the morphological configurations of contemporary cities in people's daily lives, especially in housing territories. To that end, it is necessary to understand urbanity, i.e. the dynamic relation that is established between the physical-spatial structure of the urban landscape and the daily activities that govern public life. The characterization of urbanity depends on the joint analysis of the six elements that condition it: the urban fabric articulation, the urban density, the diversity of land use and occupation, the relation between public and private space, intra-urban distances and the use and appropriation in public and collective spaces. Of these six elements, five present predominantly physical-spatial characteristics and can be read from the identification of the different Morphological Regions that form the urban landscape, which, in turn, refer to the classification of repetition patterns found in the urban plan, in the built up fabric and in the use of the soil. In contemporary cities, these three complexes have been structured based on intense urban expansion processes, as in the case of Foz do Iguaçu (BR), which had its urban growth driven, above all, by the implantation of Itaipu Binacional Hydroelectric Dam and the construction of its workers' villages, in Brazil and Paraguay, from the 1970s onwards. These villages were divided into three categories, according to the functional level of the company's employees, and built with different morphological patterns that corresponded to this social status. Therefore, this research is based on the hypothesis that the different strategies of urban design adopted for the construction of Itaipu Villages may have a direct impact on the population daily and, consequently, on the characterization of urbanity. Thus, the general objective of this research is to characterize urbanity from the identification of the different Morphological Regions that make up the Villages of Itaipu urban landscape. Through a case study, a reading method was developed that has three stages: understanding the urban expansion processes in the municipalities where the Itaipu Villages were implanted, identifying the Morphological Regions and, finally, analyzing the relationship of these regions with the elements that condition urbanity. Thereby, it appears that the formation and transformation of the analyzed Villages of Itaipu urban landscape have distinct characteristics, influenced, in large part, by the way they were implemented, either by the influence of modernist urbanism in the urban design of the villages destined for technicians and administrative employees or by the reproduction of a segregating housing model associated to hydroelectric dams and Brazilians large projects. In addition, when analyzing the elements that condition urbanity, the conclusion is that, although the diversity of land use and occupation has been identified as one of the main elements that drive the realization of daily activities in the analyzed Villages of Itaipu, the organization of the urban plan and the relations between the built areas and the areas of the lots also assume fundamental importance in the creation of spaces that support and encourage different types of social practices, which confirms the initial hypothesis. Finally, this research cooperates with the developing of a method for reading urbanity in the light of urban morphology and it is hoped that it can also contribute to the formulation and reviewing of public policies that seek for more humanized cities.
Tese de doutorado apresentada a Faculdade
de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo
da Unicamp, para obtenção do título de
Doutora em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e
Cidade, na área de Arquitetura, Tecnologia e
Cidade. Orientadora: Prof a Dr a Silvia Aparecida Mikami Gonçalvez Pina
Urbanidade, Vilas operárias, Usina hidrelétrica de Itaipu, Paisagem urbana, Desenho urbano
RAMME, Juliana. A compreensão da urbanidade pela morfologia urbana: as vilas de Itaipu. 2020. 310 f. Tese de Doutorado (Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas(Unicamp), Campinas, 2020.