Conflitos do passado e tensões do presente em Galileia e Retablo
Lima, Elaine Aparecida
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A presente proposta estuda comparativamente as obras Galileia, do brasileiro Ronaldo
Correia de Brito (2008), e Retablo, do peruano Julián Pérez Huarancca (2004).
Ambientadas em locais distantes dos grandes centros do Brasil e do Peru,
respectivamente, as obras são narradas em primeira pessoa por sujeitos que retornam
aos seus territórios de origem. Por meio das recordações de seus narradores, as
produções colocam em cena as dualidades passado e presente, rural e urbano,
rusticidade e requinte, tradição e modernidade. Ao fazê-lo, constituem, em nossa opinião,
exemplos de como as produções latino-americanas contemporâneas, ambientadas longe
do espaço das metrópoles, apoderam-se de peculiaridades da literatura chamada pós-
modernista, transformando seus significados originais e, ao mesmo tempo, repensando os
modelos literários tradicionais da literatura ligada ao espaço que elegem. Neste sentido,
ao possibilitarem um diálogo entre o regionalismo típico de obras clássicas espacializadas
no sertão nordestino e nos Andes peruanos e características como errância, trânsito,
fragmentação, autoficção, etnoficção, diluição de fronteiras, metaficção e individualismo,
próprias da literatura contemporânea, resultante do processo de globalização, colocam
em xeque os conceitos correntes para a compreensão da realidade latino-americana, de
seu povo e de sua história. Não se trata, aqui, distintamente às leituras usuais das duas
narrativas, de inseri-las ou afastá-las do sertanismo ou do indigenismo literários, mas de
percebê-las como produtos exemplares de uma América Latina na qual a literatura reage
às imagens canônicas, literárias ou não, sobre si mesma, desestabilizando quaisquer
formas de eurocentrismo e/ou de logocentrismo.
The present proposal studies comparatively the works Galileia by the Brazilian writer Ronaldo Correia de Brito (2008) and Retablo by the Peruvian writer Julián Pérez Huarancca (2004). Set in places far from the major centers of Brazil and Peru, respectively, the works are narrated in the first person by characters that return to their home territories. Through the memories of their narrators, these productions bring to the forefront the past and present dualities, rural and urban, rusticity and refinement, tradition and modernity. When doing it, they constitute, in our opinion, examples of how contemporary Latin American productions, set apart from the space of the metropolises, take hold of the peculiarities of the so-called postmodernist literature, transforming their original meanings and, at the same time, rethinking the traditional literary models of space- related literature that they elect. In this way, by enabling a dialogue between the typical regionalism of classical works in the northeastern Brazilian countryside know as ‘sertão’ and the Peruvian Andes, and characteristics such as wandering, traffic, fragmentation, autofiction, ethnofiction, dilution of frontiers, metafiction and individualism, typical of contemporary literature, resulting from the process of globalization, put in check the current concepts for the understanding of Latin American reality, its people and its history. It is not about, distinctly the usual readings of the two narratives, inserting or removing them from literary sertanism or indigenism, but of noticing them as exemplary products of a Latin America in which literature reacts to canonical images, literary or not, on itself, destabilizing any forms of Eurocentrism and/or logocentrism
The present proposal studies comparatively the works Galileia by the Brazilian writer Ronaldo Correia de Brito (2008) and Retablo by the Peruvian writer Julián Pérez Huarancca (2004). Set in places far from the major centers of Brazil and Peru, respectively, the works are narrated in the first person by characters that return to their home territories. Through the memories of their narrators, these productions bring to the forefront the past and present dualities, rural and urban, rusticity and refinement, tradition and modernity. When doing it, they constitute, in our opinion, examples of how contemporary Latin American productions, set apart from the space of the metropolises, take hold of the peculiarities of the so-called postmodernist literature, transforming their original meanings and, at the same time, rethinking the traditional literary models of space- related literature that they elect. In this way, by enabling a dialogue between the typical regionalism of classical works in the northeastern Brazilian countryside know as ‘sertão’ and the Peruvian Andes, and characteristics such as wandering, traffic, fragmentation, autofiction, ethnofiction, dilution of frontiers, metafiction and individualism, typical of contemporary literature, resulting from the process of globalization, put in check the current concepts for the understanding of Latin American reality, its people and its history. It is not about, distinctly the usual readings of the two narratives, inserting or removing them from literary sertanism or indigenism, but of noticing them as exemplary products of a Latin America in which literature reacts to canonical images, literary or not, on itself, destabilizing any forms of Eurocentrism and/or logocentrism
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Literatura Comparada da
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana, como requisito parcial à
obtenção do título de Mestre em Literatura
Comparada. Orientador: Profa. Dra. Débora Cota
Literatura comparada - Brasileira e Peruana, Pós-modernismo (Literatura), Retablo (2004) - romance peruano, Galileia (2008) - romance brasileiro, América Latina
LIMA, Elaine Aparecida. Conflitos do passado e tensões do presente em Galileia e Retablo. 2018. 231 p. Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Comparada) - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana (Unila), 2018.