Um olhar negro sobre o sofrimento psíquico e as vozes silenciosa das mulheres encarceradas: um diagnóstico sobre as políticas de saúde mental no sistema carcerário no Brasil
Martins, Lúcia Mariaci Ribeiro
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O índice de encarceramento feminino aumentou exponencialmente, no Brasil,
alcançado a margem de 656% em dezesseis anos. Consistindo ainda como
campo pouco explorado e invisibilizado pela sociedade, pouco se conhece sobre
o universo carcerário, sua multidimensionalidade e a complexidade do
aprisionamento feminino brasileiro. Muito se discute sobre o aumento da
população carcerária nos últimos anos, contudo pouco se conhece sobre as
condições de saúde mental e a existência e a prevalência de Políticas Públicas
de Saúde mental especificas para mulheres encarceradas, sobretudo as negras
que são a maioria no contexto brasileiro. Neste estudo objetivou investigar as
condições de saúde mental de mulheres negras e a consistência das políticas
públicas de saúde mental disponibilizadas nas unidades prisionais e relativizar
com o racismo como marcador das desigualdades ,e como este pode influenciar
os processos de tomada de decisão do Estado e a forma de operar as
instituições , racializando as leis , as políticas públicas de saúde e a política de
segurança pública, e como o mesmo está vinculado ao aumento exponencial do
encarceramento feminino nos últimos anos. Considerando também o racismo
como projeto político e histórico constituinte da subjetividade e do adoecimento
mental. Para atingir os objetivos foi realizado no Alojamento Feminino do
Presidio Regional de Santa Maria- RS oficinas de escritas com as mulheres
aprisionadas e coletas por meio de conversas informais. Bem como utilizou-se
dados de documentos produzidos em outras unidades prisionais, do projeto
Cartas do Cárcere. O uso de ambas as fontes de coleta de dados, tanto a
empírica, quanto a documental, foi com o objetivo de investigar e avaliar os
relatos referentes a estigmas, condições atuais e pregressas que impactam a
saúde mental, e como o sistema prisional está equipado para acolher estas
demandas, quais são os tratamentos administrados de acordo os parâmetros
preconizados pelas políticas públicas de saúde para mulheres internar e
egressas do sistema prisional. As narrativas das pessoas privadas, aqui
evidenciadas apresentam-se como a possibilidade de conhecer sujeitos políticos
historicamente ignorados e demandas políticas que não costumam ser tratadas
nesses termos. Da mesma forma tem como potencial informar sobre a realidade
prisional, mas muito mais a dizer sobre as questões políticas que regulam a
convivência dentro e fora das grades. Trata-se, portanto, de uma análise que
operacionaliza uma perspectiva interseccional, possibilitando a compreensão da
maneira como o sistema de justiça participa de processos de (re)produção de
desigualdades que tanto mais vulnerabilizam, em linhas gerais, mulheres negras
e pobres quanto geram vulnerabilidade específicas. Para a realização deste
trabalho apresentou-se uma abordagem conceitual dos estudos sobre racismo
dentro da psicologia social e das ciências humanas, os aportes teóricos
subsidiaram o resgate histórico do racismo e a forma como ele se estruturou no
tecido social e como ele está refletido nas relações sociais contemporâneas no
Brasil. Este estudo oferece caminhos de reflexão sobre os limites das alianças,
as (im)possibilidades e os desafios das políticas públicas.
The female incarceration rate increased exponentially, reaching a margin of 656% in sixteen years. Consisting still as a field little explored and invisible by society, little known about the prison universe, its multidimensionality and the complexity of Brazilian female imprisonment. Much have been discussed about the increase in the prison population in recent years, but little is known about mental health conditions and the existence and prevalence of specific mental health Public Policies for incarcerated women, especially black women who are the majority in the Brazilian context. This study aimed to investigate the mental health conditions of black women and the consistency of public mental health policies available in prisons. Besides, to relativize racism as a marker of inequalities, and how it can influence state decision-making processes and way of operating institutions, racializing laws, public health policies and public security policy and, how are linked to the exponential increase in female incarceration in recent years. Considering also racism as a political and historical project constituting subjectivity and mental illness. In order to achieve these goals, a writing workshop was been held at the Presidio Regional de Santa Maria-RS Women's Lodge with imprisoned women and collected through informal conversations. As well as used data from documents produced in other prisons, the project Cartas do Jail. The use of both empirical and documentary data collection sources were aimed at investigating and evaluating reports regarding stigmas, current and past conditions that affect mental health, and how the prison system is equipped. To meet these demands, what are the treatments administered according to the parameters recommended by public health policies for women interning and egressed from the prison system. The private people narratives described in this study presented the possibility of knowing historically ignored political subjects and political demands that usually wasn ́t treated in these terms. It also has the potential to inform about prison reality, but much more to say about the political issues that regulate coexistence inside and outside the bars. It is, therefore, an analysis that operationalizes an intersectional perspective, allowing a better understanding of the way the justice system participates in processes of (re) production of inequalities that make black and poor women more vulnerable, as well as generate specific vulnerabilities. This work was realized with a conceptual approach of the studies on racism within the social psychology and the human sciences. The theoretical contributions supported the historical rescue of the racism and the way that it was structured in the social fabric and how it is been reflected in the relations contemporary social movements in Brazil. This study offers ways of reflection on the limits of alliances, the (im) possibilities and the challenges of public policies
The female incarceration rate increased exponentially, reaching a margin of 656% in sixteen years. Consisting still as a field little explored and invisible by society, little known about the prison universe, its multidimensionality and the complexity of Brazilian female imprisonment. Much have been discussed about the increase in the prison population in recent years, but little is known about mental health conditions and the existence and prevalence of specific mental health Public Policies for incarcerated women, especially black women who are the majority in the Brazilian context. This study aimed to investigate the mental health conditions of black women and the consistency of public mental health policies available in prisons. Besides, to relativize racism as a marker of inequalities, and how it can influence state decision-making processes and way of operating institutions, racializing laws, public health policies and public security policy and, how are linked to the exponential increase in female incarceration in recent years. Considering also racism as a political and historical project constituting subjectivity and mental illness. In order to achieve these goals, a writing workshop was been held at the Presidio Regional de Santa Maria-RS Women's Lodge with imprisoned women and collected through informal conversations. As well as used data from documents produced in other prisons, the project Cartas do Jail. The use of both empirical and documentary data collection sources were aimed at investigating and evaluating reports regarding stigmas, current and past conditions that affect mental health, and how the prison system is equipped. To meet these demands, what are the treatments administered according to the parameters recommended by public health policies for women interning and egressed from the prison system. The private people narratives described in this study presented the possibility of knowing historically ignored political subjects and political demands that usually wasn ́t treated in these terms. It also has the potential to inform about prison reality, but much more to say about the political issues that regulate coexistence inside and outside the bars. It is, therefore, an analysis that operationalizes an intersectional perspective, allowing a better understanding of the way the justice system participates in processes of (re) production of inequalities that make black and poor women more vulnerable, as well as generate specific vulnerabilities. This work was realized with a conceptual approach of the studies on racism within the social psychology and the human sciences. The theoretical contributions supported the historical rescue of the racism and the way that it was structured in the social fabric and how it is been reflected in the relations contemporary social movements in Brazil. This study offers ways of reflection on the limits of alliances, the (im) possibilities and the challenges of public policies
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas e
Desenvolvimento da Universidade Federal da
Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito
parcial à obtenção do título de Mestra em
Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento.
Orientador: Prof. Walfrido Kühl Svoboda
Políticas Públicas de Saúde Mental, Negras - Prisioneiros e prisões brasileiras, Sofrimento - Aspectos psíquicos
MARTINS, Lúcia Mariaci Ribeiro. Um olhar negro sobre o sofrimento psíquico e as vozes silenciosa das mulheres encarceradas: um diagnóstico sobre as políticas de saúde mental no sistema carcerário no Brasil. 2019. 151 p. Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, 2019