Cantar la Esperanza: Ernesto Cardenal y Roque Dalton
Arroyave Ramírez, Carlos Fernando
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La presente pesquisa, se orienta a estudiar y entender la manera en que transitan culturalmente las obras de dos poetas centroamericanos –Roque Dalton García y Ernesto Cardenal Martínez –, ligados ambos a procesos creativos, que tienen la intención de actuar en la transformación social y ofrecer una lectura crítica del entorno latinoamericano. Se indaga por la presencia de lo amerindio, la mítica, las búsquedas estéticas, políticas y los contextos específicos y generales que rodearon (o rodean) sus obras. También se tiene por objetivo analizar la manera en que sus obras influenciaron o influencian un imaginario y una perspectiva que es capaz de ejercitarse y dar lectura al universo simbólico que se entremezcla al universo sociopolítico latinoamericano. El trabajo intenta pues una mirada al poetizar, a las particularidades que asume este hacer humano en las manos de ambas personalidades, quienes se recrean en elementos políticos, posiciones espirituales, negociaciones e hibridismos que yacen en la riqueza, complejidad y heterogeneidad de nuestro continente. Temas de obligado abordaje entonces lo constituyen conceptos como el de Utopía y el tema de lo mítico, tópicos como la Teología de la liberación, la palabra revolución y las metáforas e imaginarios que concentran gran parte del hacer de estos dos hombres de letras.
This research, aims to study and understand how culturally pass the works of two poets - Roque Dalton Garcia and Ernesto Cardenal Martínez - linked both to creative processes, which are intended to act in social transformation and offer a critical reading of the Latin American environment. It is ascertained by the presence of the Amerindian, the mythical, aesthetic pursuits, policies and specific and general contexts around his works. Also it aims to analyze the way in which his works have influencing an imaginary and a perspective that is able to exercise and to read the symbolic universe that intermingles the Latin American sociopolitical universe. Work it attempts a look at poetizar, the special features of this human making in the hands of two personalities who are reveling in political elements, spiritual positions, negotiations and hybridisms, in the richness, complexity and heterogeneity of our continent. Topics of mandatory approach are utopia and myth, topics such as liberation theology, the word revolution and metaphors and imagined that concentrate much of the making of these two men of letters.
This research, aims to study and understand how culturally pass the works of two poets - Roque Dalton Garcia and Ernesto Cardenal Martínez - linked both to creative processes, which are intended to act in social transformation and offer a critical reading of the Latin American environment. It is ascertained by the presence of the Amerindian, the mythical, aesthetic pursuits, policies and specific and general contexts around his works. Also it aims to analyze the way in which his works have influencing an imaginary and a perspective that is able to exercise and to read the symbolic universe that intermingles the Latin American sociopolitical universe. Work it attempts a look at poetizar, the special features of this human making in the hands of two personalities who are reveling in political elements, spiritual positions, negotiations and hybridisms, in the richness, complexity and heterogeneity of our continent. Topics of mandatory approach are utopia and myth, topics such as liberation theology, the word revolution and metaphors and imagined that concentrate much of the making of these two men of letters.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Latino-Americanos. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Diana Araujo Pereira.
Tesis de Maestría del Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Latino-Americanos (PPG IELA)
Poesía Latinoamericana, Roque Antonio Dalton García (1935-1975) - intelectual salvadoreño
ARROYAVE RAMÍREZ, Carlos Fernando. Cantar la Esperanza: Ernesto Cardenal y Roque Dalton. 259 p. Disertación de Mestrado (Pos Graduación Interdisciplinario en Estudios Latinosamericanos) - Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA), Foz do Iguazú, 2016.