Potencial de Fungos Filamentosos no tratamentos das Toxicidade do Extrato de Tabaco - Nicotiana tabacum
Medeiros, William Bartolomeu de
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O cigarro é um produto feito a partir de folhas de membros do gênero Nicotiana.
Membros deste gênero possuem um alcaloide (nicotina) que em altas concentrações
corresponde como material tóxico. O cigarro contrabandeado ocupa a primeira
posição na lista de produtos que entram de forma ilegal todos os dias no Brasil.
Neste sentido, alternativas ecológicas para a destinação ambientalmente correta
deste material apreendido, considerando sua toxicidade, se fazem necessárias.
Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo selecionar fungos filamentosos
preservados na coleção de cultura de micro-organismos da UNILA capazes de
diminuir a toxicidade do extrato de fumo adicionado ao meio de cultivo dos micro-
organismos. Neste sentido, 38 isolados foram reativados em meio BDA e incubados
à 28°C por sete dias. Em seguida, foram utilizados para inocular meio YDF 20% e
incubados à 28°C e 150 rpm por sete dias. Após incubação o isolados foram
filtrados, utilizando-se o filtrado para realizar o teste de diminuição da toxicidade
através do sistema teste Allium cepa e o micélio foi utilizado para determinar massa
micelial. Um panejamento experimental fatorial foi desenhado para otimizar os
resultados de diminuição da toxicidade observado. Como primeira avaliação foi
selecionado uma matriz do tipo 2 5-1 para avaliar os efeito do extrato de fumo, extrato
de levedura, dextrose, CuSO4 e pH na redução da toxicidade do extrato de fumo. A
partir desta primeira análise um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR)
foi realizado com as variáveis independentes extrato de levedura e CuSO 4 . Do total
de isolados testados apenas o I.12 teve seu crescimento inibido, enquanto todos os
outros 37 isolados apresentou crescimento micelial satisfatório. Destes, apenas o
I.17 apresentou potencial de redução da toxicidade, evidenciado pela germinação
das cebolas no sistema teste A. cepa. O resultado observado para o I.17 foi
otimizado com o planejamento experimental, sendo o extrato de levedura e CuSO 4
as variáveis significativas para a melhor resposta de diminuição da toxicidade do
tabaco. As análises dos resultados indicam que após a otmização do processo de
redução da toxicidade não há diferenças estatísticas com o controle positivo
(ANOVA p<0,05), sendo assim, o tratamento da toxicidade do tabaco sendo
alcançado com sucesso
The cigarette is a product made of Nicotiana genus leaves. Members of this genus have an alkaloid (nicotine) which in high concentrations can turn into a toxic material. The smuggled cigarette occupies the first position of products crossing the borders illegally from Paraguay to Brazil. In this sense, ecological alternatives to the proper destination of the confiscated material are necessary. In this way, the present study aimed to select filamentous fungi deposited in the Unila Microorganism Culture Collection capable of decreasing the tobacco extract toxicity. In order to run this study first the fungi previously isolated were reactivated on PDA media. Later, they were used to inoculate the culture media containing 20% of tobacco extract (YDF media) and incubated at 28°C, 150 rpm for 7 days. After incubation, the YDF medias were filtrated, the mycelium was used to determine the mycelial mass and the liquid was used to test the toxicity decrease by carrying on an experiment using an Allium cepa test. A design experiment was used to optimize the observed results of toxicity decreasing. As a first evaluation, a matrix 2 5-1 was used to examine the effects of yeast extract, tobacco extract, dextrose, CuSO 4 and pH regarding on the tobacco toxicity decreasing. Afterwards, a rotational central composite design (RCCD) was used to analyze the independent variables yeast extract and CuSO 4 . Only one fungus had the mycelium growth inhibited in the YDF media, whereas there was satisfactory growth in the mycelial mass presented by the other 37 fungi. In the A. cepa test only the fungus I.17 showed the potential to decrease the tobacco extract toxicity, which can be observed by the germination of the onions. The result showed by the I.17 was optimized using the experimental design, which yeast extract and CuSO 4 were found as significant variables to the best tobacco toxicity decreasing. There was no statistically differences between the positive control and the I.17 after optimization (ANOVA p<0,05). Therefore, the tobacco toxicity treatment was successfully achieved
The cigarette is a product made of Nicotiana genus leaves. Members of this genus have an alkaloid (nicotine) which in high concentrations can turn into a toxic material. The smuggled cigarette occupies the first position of products crossing the borders illegally from Paraguay to Brazil. In this sense, ecological alternatives to the proper destination of the confiscated material are necessary. In this way, the present study aimed to select filamentous fungi deposited in the Unila Microorganism Culture Collection capable of decreasing the tobacco extract toxicity. In order to run this study first the fungi previously isolated were reactivated on PDA media. Later, they were used to inoculate the culture media containing 20% of tobacco extract (YDF media) and incubated at 28°C, 150 rpm for 7 days. After incubation, the YDF medias were filtrated, the mycelium was used to determine the mycelial mass and the liquid was used to test the toxicity decrease by carrying on an experiment using an Allium cepa test. A design experiment was used to optimize the observed results of toxicity decreasing. As a first evaluation, a matrix 2 5-1 was used to examine the effects of yeast extract, tobacco extract, dextrose, CuSO 4 and pH regarding on the tobacco toxicity decreasing. Afterwards, a rotational central composite design (RCCD) was used to analyze the independent variables yeast extract and CuSO 4 . Only one fungus had the mycelium growth inhibited in the YDF media, whereas there was satisfactory growth in the mycelial mass presented by the other 37 fungi. In the A. cepa test only the fungus I.17 showed the potential to decrease the tobacco extract toxicity, which can be observed by the germination of the onions. The result showed by the I.17 was optimized using the experimental design, which yeast extract and CuSO 4 were found as significant variables to the best tobacco toxicity decreasing. There was no statistically differences between the positive control and the I.17 after optimization (ANOVA p<0,05). Therefore, the tobacco toxicity treatment was successfully achieved
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Ciências da Vida e da Natureza da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas – Ecologia e Biodiversidade. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Michel Rodrigo Zambrano Passarini e Co-orientadora: Profa. Dra. Rafaella Costa Bonugli-Santos
Biorremediação, Fungos filamentosos, Nicotiana tabacum
MEDEIROS, William Bartolomeu. Potencial de fungos filamentosos no tratamento da toxicidade do extrato de tabaco – Nicotiana tabacum. 2017, 48p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Ecologia e Biodiversidade) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017