A crítica sociológica de João Luiz Lafetá e o 'Princípio dos conversores convergentes', de Reger Bastide
Lopes, Enólia Nunes Ferrreira
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Com a implantação na universidade, das chamadas ―pesquisas
interdisciplinares‖, o crítico João Luiz Lafetá (1946), elege para si uma metodologia
arrojada, de modo a colocar à prova o método denominado ―o princípio dos
refletores convergentes‖ que consiste em lançar vários feixes de luz sobre um objeto
que se quer compreender, de modo a captá-lo de vários ângulos em movimento.
Este método, inaugurado pelo professor francês Roger Bastide, proporcionou um
forma diferenciada de analisar a produção crítica, assim como ampliar a discussão
em torno das questões relacionadas à linguagem na interpretação do texto literário.
De forma denominada operatória, o crítico apresenta o seu objeto de estudo, que
permite colocar em evidência, sob o mesmo viés de leitura, autores ideologicamente
diferentes entre si, presentes no cenário da crítica literária dos anos 1930 a 1940.
Enfim, este estudo, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, focaliza,
especialmente, as obras de Lafetá: 1930: a crítica e o modernismo (1974) e
Figuração da Intimidade: imagens na poesia de Mário de Andrade (1980).
With the implementation at the university, so-called "interdisciplinary research", the critic João Luiz Lafetá (1946), elects himself a bold approach in order to put to the test method known as "the beginning of the converging reflectors" that is to launch several beams of light on an object that one wants to understand, in order to capture it from several angles in movement. This method, inaugurated by the french professor Roger Bastide, provided a differentiated way of analyzing critical production, as well as broadening the discussion around issues related to language in the interpretation of the literary text. Of known operative way, the critical features its object of study, which allows to highlight, under the same bias reading, ideologically different authors each other, present in the literary criticism of the scenario of the 1930s to 1940. Anyway, this study, a result of bibliographical and documentary research, especially focuses on the works of Lafetá: 1930: criticism and modernism (1974) and Figuration of Intimacy: images in the poetry of Mario de Andrade (1980)
With the implementation at the university, so-called "interdisciplinary research", the critic João Luiz Lafetá (1946), elects himself a bold approach in order to put to the test method known as "the beginning of the converging reflectors" that is to launch several beams of light on an object that one wants to understand, in order to capture it from several angles in movement. This method, inaugurated by the french professor Roger Bastide, provided a differentiated way of analyzing critical production, as well as broadening the discussion around issues related to language in the interpretation of the literary text. Of known operative way, the critical features its object of study, which allows to highlight, under the same bias reading, ideologically different authors each other, present in the literary criticism of the scenario of the 1930s to 1940. Anyway, this study, a result of bibliographical and documentary research, especially focuses on the works of Lafetá: 1930: criticism and modernism (1974) and Figuration of Intimacy: images in the poetry of Mario de Andrade (1980)
Crítica sociológica, João Luiz Machado Lafetá (1946-1996) - professor e crítico de literatura