O Sagrado e o simbólico: usos e representações da imagem de Maria no filme Marias, a fé no feminino (Joana Mariani, 2015)
Santos, Flávia Soares Damasceno dos
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A imagem de Maria é de grande importância na América Latina se pensarmos em como
essa imagem foi significativa no processo de colonização e como hoje ela é fortemente
presente nos cultos populares, independente da religião. Com base nesta observação,
a presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o documentário Marias: a fé no
feminino, de Joana Mariani (2015). O filme apresenta o culto a Maria em cinco países
da América Latina e traz, por diversos pontos de vista, as maneiras de culto à Santa
para além da visão religiosa. Neste estudo buscou-se fazer uma análise da imagem de
Maria a partir da importância do objeto enquanto um mediador entre os indivíduos e seu
entorno, entendendo que este é imbuído de significações diversas dadas pelas
pessoas. Propõe-se também entender este objeto enquanto possuidor de uma
emanação que extrapola os limites dele mesmo, sendo repleto de uma carga que
condensa o histórico da colonização, e que o faz chegar à vida de muitas pessoas,
especialmente mulheres, que veem a si mesmas nesta imagem feminina, conforme o
filme mostra. Para a análise do documentário foi observado, a partir dos meios
narrativos e técnicos do cinema, como os conceitos mencionados se aplicam à imagem,
pois é a partir do que o filme apresenta que é possível compreender o olhar diante do
objeto e de suas significações. Como resultado dessa análise, é possível constatar que
a aura que a imagem de Maria tem é capaz de atravessar o registro fílmico e chegar ao
espectador graças a uma capacidade de ter tantos significados diferentes para diversas
pessoas, mas ainda assim condensar uma essência unificadora. Dessa forma, é
importante compreender que essa carga que a imagem traz é potencializada pelo meio
cinematográfico, e é inerente à própria figura de Maria, sendo um objeto que transpassa
o registro fílmico, e que envolve significações de um amplo contexto: a sua própria
história e posição na América Latina, ao lado da resistência das populações
expropriadas e das mulheres.
Mary’s icon is of great importance in Latin America if we contemplate on how significant this icon was in the colonizing process and how it is strongly present in today’s folk cults, independently of religion. Based on this observation, the present research takes as object of study the documentary Marys: the faith in the feminine, by Joana Mariani (2015). The film presents the cult to Mary in five countries of Latin America and brings, from several points of view, the ways of cult to the Saint beyond the religious perspective. This study sought to analyse Mary’s icon having as a starting point the importance of the object as a mediator of the individuals and their environment, understanding that it is imbued with several significations given by the people. It also proposes understanding this object as possessor of an emanation which exceeds its own limits, being filled with a power that condesates the colonization history, and what makes it get to the life of many people, especially women, who see themselves in this feminine icon, as the film shows. For the documentary’s analysis, an observation was made of how, by means of the narrative and technical resources of the cinema, the mentioned concepts apply to the icon, for it is from what the film presents that the contemplation of the object and its significations may be understood. As a result of this analysis, the aura of Mary’s icon is seen to be able to cross the filmic register and reach the spectator thanks to a capacity of having a plethora of different meanings for different people, however still condesing a unifying essence. Thus, it is important to comprehend that the power which the icon portrays is potentialized by the cinematographical media, and is inherent to Mary’s own figure, an object that transpasses the filmic register and involves significations of a broad context: her own history and position in Latin America, next to the resistance of expropriated peoples and to women
Mary’s icon is of great importance in Latin America if we contemplate on how significant this icon was in the colonizing process and how it is strongly present in today’s folk cults, independently of religion. Based on this observation, the present research takes as object of study the documentary Marys: the faith in the feminine, by Joana Mariani (2015). The film presents the cult to Mary in five countries of Latin America and brings, from several points of view, the ways of cult to the Saint beyond the religious perspective. This study sought to analyse Mary’s icon having as a starting point the importance of the object as a mediator of the individuals and their environment, understanding that it is imbued with several significations given by the people. It also proposes understanding this object as possessor of an emanation which exceeds its own limits, being filled with a power that condesates the colonization history, and what makes it get to the life of many people, especially women, who see themselves in this feminine icon, as the film shows. For the documentary’s analysis, an observation was made of how, by means of the narrative and technical resources of the cinema, the mentioned concepts apply to the icon, for it is from what the film presents that the contemplation of the object and its significations may be understood. As a result of this analysis, the aura of Mary’s icon is seen to be able to cross the filmic register and reach the spectator thanks to a capacity of having a plethora of different meanings for different people, however still condesing a unifying essence. Thus, it is important to comprehend that the power which the icon portrays is potentialized by the cinematographical media, and is inherent to Mary’s own figure, an object that transpasses the filmic register and involves significations of a broad context: her own history and position in Latin America, next to the resistance of expropriated peoples and to women
Colonialismo, Feminino
SANTOS, Flávia S. D. O Sagrado e o simbólico: usos e representações da imagem de Maria no filme Marias, a fé no feminino (Joana Mariani, 2015). 2017. 54 pp. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Cinema e Audiovisual) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017.