Modelagem do risco de inundação em trechos críticos de rios urbanos: o caso do Rio M’Boicy
Timbiano Jacho, Edgar Ricardo
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As inundações urbanas no Brasil tem importantes impactos sobre a sociedade. Esses impactos podem ocorrer devido a uma série de causas associados à ocupação desordenada do solo urbano, falta de recursos para saneamento, falta de planejamento hidrológico urbano, entre outros. No contexto atual, diversas medidas de prevenção e proteção contra inundações urbanas podem ser adotadas. Essas causas e medidas corretivas podem ter sua eficiência analisada através da modelagem hidrológica e hidráulica. Nesse sentido definiu-se como área de estudo um trecho crítico do Rio M’Boicy de Foz do Iguaçu que é sujeito a frequentes inundações. Esses eventos, causam atualmente prejuízos principalmente ao invadir casas e estabelecimentos comerciais, trazendo incerteza aos afetados quanto as causas e prováveis soluções. Desta forma mediante a modelagem hidrológica no programa HEC-HMS determinou-se a vazão de projeto em relação à bacia hidrográfica de contribuição ao trecho. Na sequência, através da modelagem hidráulica no programa HEC-RAS encontrou-se a vazão aceitável em diferentes cenários como i) com sujeira e tubos de esgoto, ii) sem sujeira e com tubos de esgoto e iii) sem sujeira e sem tubos de esgoto. É importante assinalar que para uma maior confiabilidade nos resultados foram calibrados e validados os modelos hidrológico e hidráulico. Assim foram comparadas as vazões aceitáveis pelos diferentes componentes do trecho, com as vazões de projeto, para os três cenários e diversas probabilidades anuais de ocorrência, de modo a elucidar as razões para as frequentes inundações. Deste modo verificou-se que a retirada da sujeira e tubos de esgotos existentes no percurso do trecho, aumenta a capacidade de transporte de escoamento. O ponto mais crítico encontra-se na Galeria 3 com as maiores vazões excedidas para os três cenários. A partir disso, conclui-se pela necessidade de evitar ou reter a sujeira a montante deste trecho e da necessidade de ser alterado a condução do esgoto que está junto ao canal do rio. Além disso, este trabalho servirá como referência para as prefeituras municipais, para avaliar a capacidade da vazão das estruturas hidráulicas existentes de um trecho critico onde ocorre inundações.
Urban floods in Brazil have important impacts on society. These impacts can occur due to a series of causes associated with the disorderly occupation of urban land, lack of resources for sanitation, lack of urban hydrological planning, among others. In the current context, several measures of prevention and protection against urban flood can be adopted. These causes and corrective measures can have their efficiency analyzed through hydrological and hydraulic modeling. In this sense, a critical section of the M'Boicy River of Foz do Iguaçu was defined as a study area that is subject to frequent flooding. These events are currently causing damage mainly by invading homes and commercial establishments, bringing uncertainties to those affected as to the causes and likely solutions. Thus, through the hydrological modeling in the HEC-HMS program, the project flow was determined in relation to the watershed of contribution to the stretch. Then, through the hydraulic modeling in the HEC-RAS program, the acceptable flow was found in different scenarios such as i) with dirt and sewage pipes, ii) without dirt and with sewage pipes and iii) without dirt and without sewage pipes . It is important to note that hydrological and hydraulic models were calibrated and validated for greater reliability. Thus, the flow rates acceptable for the different components of the section, with the project flows, were compared for the three scenarios and several annual probabilities of occurrence, in order to elucidate the reasons for the frequent floods. In this way it has been found that the removal of the dirt and sewage pipes existing in the course of the stretch increases the carrying capacity of the flow. The most critical point is in Gallery 3 with the largest outflows for all three scenarios. From this, one concludes by the necessity of avoiding or retaining the dirt upstream of this stretch and of the necessity of being changed the conduction of the sewage that is next to the channel of the river. In addition, this work will serve as reference for municipal municipalities, to evaluate the capacity of the flow of existing hydraulic structures of a critical stretch where there is flooding
Urban floods in Brazil have important impacts on society. These impacts can occur due to a series of causes associated with the disorderly occupation of urban land, lack of resources for sanitation, lack of urban hydrological planning, among others. In the current context, several measures of prevention and protection against urban flood can be adopted. These causes and corrective measures can have their efficiency analyzed through hydrological and hydraulic modeling. In this sense, a critical section of the M'Boicy River of Foz do Iguaçu was defined as a study area that is subject to frequent flooding. These events are currently causing damage mainly by invading homes and commercial establishments, bringing uncertainties to those affected as to the causes and likely solutions. Thus, through the hydrological modeling in the HEC-HMS program, the project flow was determined in relation to the watershed of contribution to the stretch. Then, through the hydraulic modeling in the HEC-RAS program, the acceptable flow was found in different scenarios such as i) with dirt and sewage pipes, ii) without dirt and with sewage pipes and iii) without dirt and without sewage pipes . It is important to note that hydrological and hydraulic models were calibrated and validated for greater reliability. Thus, the flow rates acceptable for the different components of the section, with the project flows, were compared for the three scenarios and several annual probabilities of occurrence, in order to elucidate the reasons for the frequent floods. In this way it has been found that the removal of the dirt and sewage pipes existing in the course of the stretch increases the carrying capacity of the flow. The most critical point is in Gallery 3 with the largest outflows for all three scenarios. From this, one concludes by the necessity of avoiding or retaining the dirt upstream of this stretch and of the necessity of being changed the conduction of the sewage that is next to the channel of the river. In addition, this work will serve as reference for municipal municipalities, to evaluate the capacity of the flow of existing hydraulic structures of a critical stretch where there is flooding
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado a
Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil
de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos
requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em
Engenharia Civil.
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Gláucio Roloff
Coorientadora: Prof. Msc. Mara Silva
Drenagem urbana, Rio M’Boicy