La recualificación del sistema viário en ciudades intermedias: estudo de caso Curuguaty, Paraguay
Yegros Cuevas, Ana Letícia
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El presente trabajo busca estudiar y analizar cómo se comporta el sistema viario en los dislocamientos de las personas en la ciudad de Curuguaty - Departamento de Canindeyú - Paraguay, con el intuito de entender cómo funciona la malla urbana. La cuestión de problemas de tránsito, ya sea de peatones x peatones como así también peatones x motoristas, se destaca debido al acrecimos poblacional en las ciudades intermedias en Paraguay. Esto sucede especialmente en donde existe más demandas de servicios, lo que genera una alta concentración de personas. Conviene recalcar que en los últimos años sucedió un expresivo aumento de uso de vehículos, como así también accidentes de tránsito que envuelve a peatones. Como consecuencia a estos accidentes de tránsitos debido al gran flujo de peatones y vehículos, son generalmente en los llamados horarios pico, horario comercial, cuando más suceden. Por ende, para este trabajo se buscó referencias sobre sistema viario, red viaria e infraestructura, y diseño urbano en el planeamiento de las ciudades e ciudades intermedias, con vista a contribuir de alguna forma en disminuir el número de accidentes en la ciudad. Curuguaty presenta estos problemas y dificultades de dislocamientos en el sistema viario de la ciudad, así como otras ciudades del Paraguay. Además de eso, Curuguaty cuenta con particularidades que agravan todavía más esta cuestión, como por ejemplo niños manejando motos sin casco, motoristas sin cinto de seguridad. Esto amplia los accidentes en los puntos de circulación, cruzamientos en donde exista más flujos de usuarios. Curuguaty, considerada como una ciudad intermedia, visa ser una ciudad con potencial que requiere de equipamientos y construcciones que suministren la reducción de problemas de tránsito, mejorando los dislocamientos del peatón que es el más afectado por falta de una buena infraestructura viaria. Este trabajo, por lo tanto, presenta una discusión para la realidad de otras ciudades del Paraguay, por lo que pretende con este estudio valer como directrices y ejemplo, para casos de problemas en el sistema viario.
The present work seeks to study and analyze how the road system behaves in the dislocations of people in the city of Curuguaty - Department of Canindeyú - Paraguay, in order to understand how the urban mesh works. The issue of traffic problems, whether of pedestrians x pedestrians as well as pedestrians x motorists, stands out due to the population increase in the intermediate cities in Paraguay. This happens especially where there is more demand for services, which generates a high concentration of people. It should be emphasized that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of vehicles, as well as traffic accidents involving pedestrians. As a consequence to these transits accidents due to the great flow of pedestrians and vehicles, they are generally in so-called peak times, business hours, when they happen most. For this work, references were made to the road system, road network and infrastructure, and urban design in the planning of intermediate cities and cities, in order to contribute in some way to reducing the number of accidents in the city. Curuguaty presents these problems and difficulties of dislocations in the road system of the city, as well as other cities of Paraguay. In addition to that, Curuguaty has particularities that further aggravate this issue, such as children driving motorcycles without helmets, motorcyclists without seat belts. This extends the accidents at the points of circulation, crossings where there are more user flows. Curuguaty, considered as an intermediate city, aims to be a city with potential that requires equipment and constructions that provide the reduction of traffic problems, improving the dislocations of the pedestrian who is most affected by lack of a good road infrastructure. This work, therefore, presents a discussion for the reality of other cities of Paraguay, so it intends with this study to use as guidelines and example, for cases of problems in the road system
The present work seeks to study and analyze how the road system behaves in the dislocations of people in the city of Curuguaty - Department of Canindeyú - Paraguay, in order to understand how the urban mesh works. The issue of traffic problems, whether of pedestrians x pedestrians as well as pedestrians x motorists, stands out due to the population increase in the intermediate cities in Paraguay. This happens especially where there is more demand for services, which generates a high concentration of people. It should be emphasized that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of vehicles, as well as traffic accidents involving pedestrians. As a consequence to these transits accidents due to the great flow of pedestrians and vehicles, they are generally in so-called peak times, business hours, when they happen most. For this work, references were made to the road system, road network and infrastructure, and urban design in the planning of intermediate cities and cities, in order to contribute in some way to reducing the number of accidents in the city. Curuguaty presents these problems and difficulties of dislocations in the road system of the city, as well as other cities of Paraguay. In addition to that, Curuguaty has particularities that further aggravate this issue, such as children driving motorcycles without helmets, motorcyclists without seat belts. This extends the accidents at the points of circulation, crossings where there are more user flows. Curuguaty, considered as an intermediate city, aims to be a city with potential that requires equipment and constructions that provide the reduction of traffic problems, improving the dislocations of the pedestrian who is most affected by lack of a good road infrastructure. This work, therefore, presents a discussion for the reality of other cities of Paraguay, so it intends with this study to use as guidelines and example, for cases of problems in the road system
Trabajo de conclusión de curso presentado al
Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnología,
Infraestructura y Territorio de la Universidad
Federal de la Integración Latino-americana,
como requisito parcial para la obtención del
título de Bacharelado en Arquitectura y
Orientador: Prof. Ms. Juliana Rammé
Sistema viario, Deslocamiento, Diseño urbano, Curuguaty - Paraguay
Yegros Cuevas, Ana Letícia. La recualificación del sistema viário en ciudades intermedias: estudio de caso Curuguaty, Paraguay. 2017. 122 p. Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso (Arquitectura y Urbanismo) - Universidad Federal da Integración Latino-americana, Foz de Iguazú, 2017.