El combate de la trata de personas en la frontera colomboecuatoriana del 2005 a 2015: una mirada desde la seguridad humana
Lemos Bohórquez, Julie Andrea
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Las relaciones políticas entre Colombia y Ecuador, desde los años 1990, estaban
tensas, esto tuvo como consecuencia un incremento notable en la presentación de
eventos de lesa humanidad, en los territorios y fronteras de los países implicados. Sin
embargo, paradójicamente, estos acontecimientos generaron, el fortalecimiento de la
cooperación entre los dos países en la lucha contra los Crímenes Organizados
Transnacionales (COT), y en el ámbito del combate de la trata de personas (TdP) en
la Zona de Integración Fronteriza (ZIF). Por este motivo, uno de los propósitos de este
trabajo de investigación, bajo el concepto de Seguridad Humana, pretende entender
como estos Estados, garantizan y protegen a las personas contra la Trata de
Personas. A partir de esta premisa, surge nuestra cuestión central: ¿existieron
elementos o se evidenció la aplicación e implementación del concepto de Seguridad
Humana en los planes de cooperación colombo-ecuatoriana, por el periodo 2005 a
2015 en el combate contra la Trata de Personas (TdP), en la Zona de Integración
Fronteriza Ecuador-Colombia (ZIFEC)?. Uno de los objetivos, que se persiguen con
esta investigación, es determinar si las herramientas utilizadas contribuyeron, por lo
menos, a la disminución de este crimen y si permitieron garantizar, en algún grado la
preservación a la supervivencia, el respeto de los Derechos Humanos, y a las
libertades fundamentales de la población perteneciente a la ZIFEC.
The political relations between Colombia and Ecuador, since the 1990s, were tense, this resulted in a notable increase in the presentation of events against humanity, in the territories and borders of the countries involved. However, paradoxically, these events generated, the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in the fight against Transnational Organized Crimes (COT), and in the field of combating human trafficking (TdP) in the Border Integration Zone (ZIF). For this reason, one of the purposes of this research work, under the concept of Human Security, aims to understand how these States guarantee and protect people against Human Trafficking. From this premise, our central question arises: were there elements or was the application and implementation of the concept of Human Security evidenced in the Colombian-Ecuadorian cooperation plans, for the period 2005 to 2015 in the fight against Human Trafficking (TdP), in the Ecuador-Colombia Border Integration Zone (ZIFEC) ?. One of the objectives, which are pursued with this investigation, is to determine if the tools used contributed, at least, to the reduction of this crime and if they allowed to guarantee, in some degree, the preservation of survival, respect for Human Rights , and the fundamental freedoms of the population belonging to the ZIFEC
The political relations between Colombia and Ecuador, since the 1990s, were tense, this resulted in a notable increase in the presentation of events against humanity, in the territories and borders of the countries involved. However, paradoxically, these events generated, the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in the fight against Transnational Organized Crimes (COT), and in the field of combating human trafficking (TdP) in the Border Integration Zone (ZIF). For this reason, one of the purposes of this research work, under the concept of Human Security, aims to understand how these States guarantee and protect people against Human Trafficking. From this premise, our central question arises: were there elements or was the application and implementation of the concept of Human Security evidenced in the Colombian-Ecuadorian cooperation plans, for the period 2005 to 2015 in the fight against Human Trafficking (TdP), in the Ecuador-Colombia Border Integration Zone (ZIFEC) ?. One of the objectives, which are pursued with this investigation, is to determine if the tools used contributed, at least, to the reduction of this crime and if they allowed to guarantee, in some degree, the preservation of survival, respect for Human Rights , and the fundamental freedoms of the population belonging to the ZIFEC
Disertación presentada para el Programa
de Post-Graduación en integración
contemporánea en América Latina de la
Universidad Federal de la Integración
Latino Americana, como requisito parcial
para la obtención del título de Maestre en
integración contemporánea en América
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Fabio Borges
Seguridade humana, Tráfico humano - Fronteira - Colômbia, Tráfico humano - Fronteira - Equador
LEMOS BOHÓRQUEZ, Julie Andrea. El combate de la trata de personas en la frontera colomboecuatoriana del 2005 a 2015: una mirada desde la seguridad humana. 2019. 96 p. Disertación (Programa de Post-Graduación en integración
contemporánea en América Latina) - Universidad Federal de la Integración Latino Americana(UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, 2019.