Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento Territorial: Considerações a partir do Estudo de Caso do Eixo Estruturante Capital Social e Cooperação do Programa Oeste em Desenvolvimento
Silva, Fabrício Lima da
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Estudos vêm sendo realizados nas áreas das Ciências Ambientais e Sociologia Econômica, com o objetivo de relacionar o desenvolvimento territorial ao fator, capital social. Estes estudos apontam que essa relação pode gerar um aumento no dinamismo socioeconômico dos territórios. As leituras de Melim (2007) e Putnam (2005) trazem a relevância que um capital social ativo e organizado pode obter frente ao processo de desenvolvimento sociopolítico e econômico, Favareto (2010) e Piacenti (2016) consideram aspectos materiais e “imateriais” da organização institucional e produtiva como partes integrantes do conceito de desenvolvimento. O Programa Oeste em Desenvolvimento - Programa de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Oeste do Paraná trabalha sob a forma de ações de governança regional que busca promover o desenvolvimento econômico sustentável por meio de um processo participativo, fomentando no território a cooperação entre os atores. O Programa atua com foco nas competências já existentes no território, estrutura-se a partir de cadeias produtivas propulsivas e eixos estruturantes de atenção, dentre os quais, o “Eixo estruturante Capital Social e Cooperação” não apresenta uma condição de compreensão publica das suas atividades ainda. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar as ações e projetos do “Eixo Estruturante Capital Social e Cooperação” e suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento territorial do Oeste Paranaense. Utilizamos o método do estudo de caso, aplicando um guia de entrevistas semiestruturado aos responsáveis direto pelo Eixo Estruturante do Programa, foi feita uma observação participante e pesquisas bibliográficas. Os resultados obtidos, consideram, que o processo de “formação” através do Curso de Promotores em Desenvolvimento Territorial oferecido pelo Programa Oeste em Desenvolvimento e ConectaDEL contribui como um impulso indutor na tomada de consciência individual e coletiva de pertencimento ao território e para o desenvolvimento do capital social e institucional da região Oeste do Paraná. Para recuperar o debate inicial de que o capital social pode inferir na estratégia de desenvolvimento territorial, nossos resultados sustentam que apesar do Programa partir de uma articulação institucional e econômica de curto prazo o processo de formação sob uma perspectiva de longo prazo, pode vir a acumular capital social e contribuir para o empoderamento dos atores locais em prol de seu desenvolvimento.
Studies have been carried out in the areas of Environmental Sciences and Economic Sociology, with the objective of relating the territorial development to the factor, social capital. These studies indicate that this relationship can generate an increase in the socioeconomic dynamism of the territories. The readings of Melim (2007) and Putnam (2005) bring the relevance that an active and organized social capital can obtain in the process of socio-political and economic development, Favareto (2010) and Piacenti (2016) consider material and "immaterial" aspects of institutional and productive organization as integral parts of the concept of development. The Western Program in Development - Economic Development Program of the West of Paraná works in the form of regional governance actions that seek to promote sustainable economic development through a participatory process, fostering cooperation among the actors in the territory. The program works with a focus on competencies already existing in the territory, structured from propulsive productive chains and structuring axes of attention, among which the "Structuring Axis Social Capital and Cooperation" does not present a condition of public understanding of its activities still. The objective of the research was to analyze the actions and projects of the "Structuring Axis Social Capital and Cooperation" and its contributions to the territorial development of the West of Paraná. We used the case study method, applying a semistructured interview guide to those directly responsible for the Program Structuring Axis, a participant observation and bibliographical research. The results obtained, consider, that the process of "training" through the Course of Promoters in Territorial Development offered by the West Program in Development and ConectaDEL contributes as an inductive impulse in the individual and collective awareness of belonging to the territory and to the development of the capital and institutional capital of the western region of Paraná. In order to recover the initial debate that social capital can infer in the territorial development strategy, our results sustain that although the Program starts from a short-term institutional and economic articulation, the formation process from a long-term perspective may accumulate social capital and contribute to the empowerment of local actors for their development
Studies have been carried out in the areas of Environmental Sciences and Economic Sociology, with the objective of relating the territorial development to the factor, social capital. These studies indicate that this relationship can generate an increase in the socioeconomic dynamism of the territories. The readings of Melim (2007) and Putnam (2005) bring the relevance that an active and organized social capital can obtain in the process of socio-political and economic development, Favareto (2010) and Piacenti (2016) consider material and "immaterial" aspects of institutional and productive organization as integral parts of the concept of development. The Western Program in Development - Economic Development Program of the West of Paraná works in the form of regional governance actions that seek to promote sustainable economic development through a participatory process, fostering cooperation among the actors in the territory. The program works with a focus on competencies already existing in the territory, structured from propulsive productive chains and structuring axes of attention, among which the "Structuring Axis Social Capital and Cooperation" does not present a condition of public understanding of its activities still. The objective of the research was to analyze the actions and projects of the "Structuring Axis Social Capital and Cooperation" and its contributions to the territorial development of the West of Paraná. We used the case study method, applying a semistructured interview guide to those directly responsible for the Program Structuring Axis, a participant observation and bibliographical research. The results obtained, consider, that the process of "training" through the Course of Promoters in Territorial Development offered by the West Program in Development and ConectaDEL contributes as an inductive impulse in the individual and collective awareness of belonging to the territory and to the development of the capital and institutional capital of the western region of Paraná. In order to recover the initial debate that social capital can infer in the territorial development strategy, our results sustain that although the Program starts from a short-term institutional and economic articulation, the formation process from a long-term perspective may accumulate social capital and contribute to the empowerment of local actors for their development
Desenvolvimento territorial, Processo de formação, Oeste do Paraná, Capital Social
SILVA, Fabrício Lima da. Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento Territorial: Considerações a partir
do Estudo de Caso do Eixo Estruturante Capital Social e Cooperação do Programa
Oeste em Desenvolvimento. 2017. 58.p. Trabalho de conclusão de Curso
(Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar) Universidade Federal da Integração
Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017