Cobogós: uma análise da influência da forma na iluminação natural
Jaime Camacho, Darwin Onesimo
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Dentro de las ocho regiones bioclimáticas que Brasil presenta, gran parte de su
territorio es dominado por un clima caliente y húmedo. En estas regiones, el
aprovechamiento de la iluminación natural es una estrategia proyectual de gran
importancia para la calidad del espacio y para la eficiencia energética, debiendo ser
considerada esencial en la concepción de proyectos arquitectónicos. En este
contexto, los elementos perforados dentro de ellos el cobogó, son una alternativa
arquitectónica que puede ser utilizada para amenizar las condiciones de este tipo de
clima, pues proporcionan iluminación natural permanente, en el interior del ambiente.
Delante de estos aspectos en este trabajo de investigación se elaboró un estudio
comparativo entre diferentes geometrías de cobogós, para verificar dentro de las
geometrías analizadas, cual es la más adecuada en términos de iluminación natural,
para tal se realizó un mapeamiento de los elementos perforados (cobogós) en el
mercado brasilero para de esta manera, estudiar y analizar, por medio de
simulaciones computacionales, cuál de ellos presenta el desempeño más adecuado
para situaciones donde se necesita de mayor iluminación natural; bien como verificar
la relación entre forma y función.
Within the eight bioclimatic regions that Brazil presents, much of its territory is dominated by a hot and humid climate. In these regions, the use of natural lighting is a project strategy of great importance for the quality of space and for energy efficiency, and must be considered essential in the design of architectural projects. In this context, the elements perforated within them the cobogó, are an architectural alternative that can be used to liven up the conditions of this type of climate, as they provide permanent natural lighting, inside the environment. In front of these aspects in this research work, a comparative study between different geometries of cobogós was elaborated, to verify within the analyzed geometries, which is the most appropriate in terms of natural lighting, for this a mapping of the perforated elements was carried out ( cobogós) in the Brazilian market, in this way, to study and analyze, by means of computational simulations, which of them presents the most adequate performance for situations where more natural lighting is needed; well how to verify the relationship between form and function
Within the eight bioclimatic regions that Brazil presents, much of its territory is dominated by a hot and humid climate. In these regions, the use of natural lighting is a project strategy of great importance for the quality of space and for energy efficiency, and must be considered essential in the design of architectural projects. In this context, the elements perforated within them the cobogó, are an architectural alternative that can be used to liven up the conditions of this type of climate, as they provide permanent natural lighting, inside the environment. In front of these aspects in this research work, a comparative study between different geometries of cobogós was elaborated, to verify within the analyzed geometries, which is the most appropriate in terms of natural lighting, for this a mapping of the perforated elements was carried out ( cobogós) in the Brazilian market, in this way, to study and analyze, by means of computational simulations, which of them presents the most adequate performance for situations where more natural lighting is needed; well how to verify the relationship between form and function
Tesis de Maestrado presentado al Instituto Latino-
Americano de Tecnología, Infraestructura y
Territorio de la Universidad Federal de Integración
Latino-Americana, como requisito para obtener el
título de Maestro en Ingeniería Civil.
Orientador: Profa. (Dra.) Helenice María Sacht
Elementos vazados, Iluminação natural - cobogós, Arquitetura moderna
JAIME CAMACHO, Darwin Onesimo. Cobogós: un Análisis de la Influencia de la Forma en la Iluminacion Natural. 2019. 290 p. Disertación de Maestrado (Ingeniería Civil) –
Universidad Federal de Integración Latino-americana, Foz do Iguazú, 2019