A construção de memórias, imaginários e territorialidades em Santa Helena - PR
Cabanha, Samuel
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O artigo busca trazer a tona um aspecto histórico imerso no presente e,
ao mesmo tempo, compreender a construção de memórias, imaginários e
territorialidades no município de Santa Helena – PR, através de um monumento em
memória a Marcha de Luiz Carlos Prestes, retratando sua passagem pela Região
Oeste do Estado do Paraná. A metodologia adotada foi à revisão bibliográfica,
sendo que o levantamento dos dados consistiu na pesquisa documental clássica, e
em parte, no uso de fontes impressas (folders, fotografias e matérias de jornais). O
arcabouço teórico gira em torno de discussões que envolvem os conceitos ligados à
memória, aos imaginários e as territorialidades, buscando discutir e, ao mesmo
tempo, entender como se dão as disputas e o jogo de interesses dos atores sociais,
destacando as diversas formas de registro daquilo que será considerado importante,
a saber, daquilo que permeia os imaginários. Como resultado, o estudo
problematiza a construção de memórias, imaginários e territorialidades e seus
entrecruzamentos com a identificação do povo santa-helenense e o memorial e,
demonstra a evidencia dessa articulação através da culminação da edificação de
um lugar de memória. Nesse sentido, este estudo deixa algumas migalhas e serve
de pano de fundo e abertura para estudos futuros.
The article seeks to bring out a historical aspect immersed in the present, and at the same time, to understand the necessity of construction in the municipality of Santa Helena - PR, a monument in memory of the March of Luiz Carlos Prestes (Prestes Column) depicting its passage through Western Region of the State of Paraná. The methodology adopted was the bibliographical review, and the data collection consisted of the classic documentary research, and partly the use of printed sources (folders, photographs and newspaper articles). The theoretical framework revolves around discussions that involve concepts related to memory, identity and territorialities, seeking to discuss, and at the same time, to understand how the interplay of interests, territorialities and disputes over memory occur through Social actors, highlighting these disputes and how they seek different forms of registration of what will be considered important, namely, what should be remembered, what should be forgotten, what should be territorialized. As a result, the study problematizes and demonstrates the identification of the Santa Helenian people with the memorial and, at the same time, demonstrates the evidence of this articulation through the construction of a place of memory and symbolic marking of a territorialization. In this sense, this study leaves some crumbs and serves as a background and opening for future studies
The article seeks to bring out a historical aspect immersed in the present, and at the same time, to understand the necessity of construction in the municipality of Santa Helena - PR, a monument in memory of the March of Luiz Carlos Prestes (Prestes Column) depicting its passage through Western Region of the State of Paraná. The methodology adopted was the bibliographical review, and the data collection consisted of the classic documentary research, and partly the use of printed sources (folders, photographs and newspaper articles). The theoretical framework revolves around discussions that involve concepts related to memory, identity and territorialities, seeking to discuss, and at the same time, to understand how the interplay of interests, territorialities and disputes over memory occur through Social actors, highlighting these disputes and how they seek different forms of registration of what will be considered important, namely, what should be remembered, what should be forgotten, what should be territorialized. As a result, the study problematizes and demonstrates the identification of the Santa Helenian people with the memorial and, at the same time, demonstrates the evidence of this articulation through the construction of a place of memory and symbolic marking of a territorialization. In this sense, this study leaves some crumbs and serves as a background and opening for future studies
O I Encontro Internacional do MALOCA Grupo de Estudos Multidisciplinares em Urbanismos e Arquiteturas do Sul teve por objetivo apresentar os resultados do seu primeiro triênio (2014-2016) e debater os rumos das pesquisas do grupo para o triênio 2017-2019.
Divulgamos agora os Anais Eletrônicos do I Encontro, que aconteceu em outubro de 2017 na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). Confiram no link: https://revistas.unila.edu.br/anaismaloca/index :)
Territorialidades, Memória, Santa Helena (PR) - Brasil, Coluna Prestes