Os aspectos do silêncio no jogo dos sentidos: lacunas literárias e cinematográficas em contextos de censura (1966-1980)
Pereira, Thiago Augusto Carlos
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O presente trabalho se define pela estruturação de um dispositivo analítico, amparado pelo dispositivo teórico da Análise do Discurso (franco-brasileira), desenvolvido para que se faça possível a tarefa de observar os sentidos que se concatenam pelo emprego do silêncio no interior de obras artísticas de teor narrativo (cinematográficas e literárias), produzidas em contextos históricos de censura de Estado, no Brasil e na Argentina, entre os anos de 1964 a 1985. Para tanto, o presente trabalho se ampara nas contribuições teóricas de E. Orlandi, M. Foucault, M. Pêcheux, M. Gregolin pertinentes ao dispositivo teórico da A.D. Também, leva em consideração os estudos sobre a censura, por vias das contribuições de C. Berg, S. Mattos, M. Aquino, A. Callado. Além desses, as considerações de R. Ortiz, W. Mignolo, N. Canclini, J. Barbero, acerca dos processos da modernidade e do colonialismo. Preocupando-se também com elementos da história da arte moderna, pelas contribuições de M. Stokstad, W. Cothren e S. Sontag. Desenvolvendo, assim, o conceito de silêncio que permite ao presente dispositivo analítico identificar os aspectos pelo qual o mesmo permite, quando empregado em materialidades artísticas, concatenar sentidos, discursando em segundo plano. Para tanto, se desenvolve cinco complementares categorias respectivas aos modos como o silêncio se emprega no interior das materialidades. São elas: Esquecimento, Incapacidade, Omissão, Saturação e Solidariedade, tais como observadas a partir das obras “Quatro-Olhos” (1976), de Renato Pompeu, “Fome de Amor” (1968), de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, “O Beijo da Mulher Aranha” (1976), de Manuel Puig, “PanAmérica” (1967), de José Agrippino de Paula, e “Queremos Tanto a Glenda” (1980), de Júlio Cortázar, e verificadas, a posteriori, a partir da análise de outras materialidades artísticas, a saber, “Bar Don Juan” (1967), de Antonio Callado, “As Armas” (1969), de Astolfo Araújo, “O Padre e a Moça” (1966), de Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, “Eu Estava Ali Deitado” (1969), de Luiz Vilela, “Gente Fina É Outra Coisa” (1977), de Antônio Calmon, “Mar de Rosas” (1977), de Ana Carolina
The present work is defined by the structuring of an analytical device, supported by the theoretical device of Discourse Analysis (Franco-Brazilian), developed in order to observe the meanings that are assembled by the adoption of silence within works of art that are structured in a narrative form (be they cinematographic or literary in nature), produced within historical contexts of State censorship, in Brazil and Argentina, between the years 1964 to 1985. Thus, the present work is sustained by the contributions of E.Orlandi, M.Foucault, M.Pêcheux, M.Gregolin pertaining to the theoretical device of Discourse Analysis. Moreover, it takes into account the contributions of the studies on censor ship by way of the works of C.Berg, S.Mattos, M.Aquino, A.Callado. Furthermore, it also considers researches by R.Ortiz, W.Mignolo, N.Canclini, J.Barbero, pertaining to the processes of modernity and its relation to colonialism. Inaddition, it takes into account pertinent elements of the history of modern art, through the contributions of M.Stokstad, W.Cothrenand S.Sontag. Thus, developing the concept of silence that best allows the present analytical device to identify the aspects by which it concatenates meanings when adopted within artistic materialities – asif speaking from the background .Tothisend, five complementary categories are herein developed, corresponding to the ways in which silence is adopted within the analy sed materialities. They are: Forgetfulness, Impairment, Omission, Saturation and Solidarity , as observed within the narrative art works “Quatro-Olhos” (1976), by Renato Pompeu, “HungerforLove” (1967), by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, “Kissof the Spider Woman” (1976), by Manuel Puig, “PanAmérica”(1967), by José Agrippino de Paula, and “We Love Glenda So Much”(1980), by Júlio Cortázar, and verified, aposteriori, by the analysis of other artistic works, namely “Bar Don Juan”(1967), by Antonio Callado,“The Weapons” by Astolfo Araújo, “The Priest and the Girl” (1966), by Joaquim Pedrode Andrade, “Eu Estava Ali Deitado” (1969), by Luiz Vilela, “The Rich Are Something Else” (1977), by Antônio Calmon, “Sea of Roses”, by Ana Carolina.
The present work is defined by the structuring of an analytical device, supported by the theoretical device of Discourse Analysis (Franco-Brazilian), developed in order to observe the meanings that are assembled by the adoption of silence within works of art that are structured in a narrative form (be they cinematographic or literary in nature), produced within historical contexts of State censorship, in Brazil and Argentina, between the years 1964 to 1985. Thus, the present work is sustained by the contributions of E.Orlandi, M.Foucault, M.Pêcheux, M.Gregolin pertaining to the theoretical device of Discourse Analysis. Moreover, it takes into account the contributions of the studies on censor ship by way of the works of C.Berg, S.Mattos, M.Aquino, A.Callado. Furthermore, it also considers researches by R.Ortiz, W.Mignolo, N.Canclini, J.Barbero, pertaining to the processes of modernity and its relation to colonialism. Inaddition, it takes into account pertinent elements of the history of modern art, through the contributions of M.Stokstad, W.Cothrenand S.Sontag. Thus, developing the concept of silence that best allows the present analytical device to identify the aspects by which it concatenates meanings when adopted within artistic materialities – asif speaking from the background .Tothisend, five complementary categories are herein developed, corresponding to the ways in which silence is adopted within the analy sed materialities. They are: Forgetfulness, Impairment, Omission, Saturation and Solidarity , as observed within the narrative art works “Quatro-Olhos” (1976), by Renato Pompeu, “HungerforLove” (1967), by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, “Kissof the Spider Woman” (1976), by Manuel Puig, “PanAmérica”(1967), by José Agrippino de Paula, and “We Love Glenda So Much”(1980), by Júlio Cortázar, and verified, aposteriori, by the analysis of other artistic works, namely “Bar Don Juan”(1967), by Antonio Callado,“The Weapons” by Astolfo Araújo, “The Priest and the Girl” (1966), by Joaquim Pedrode Andrade, “Eu Estava Ali Deitado” (1969), by Luiz Vilela, “The Rich Are Something Else” (1977), by Antônio Calmon, “Sea of Roses”, by Ana Carolina.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade Federalda Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Latino-Americanos.Orientador: Prof. Dr. Bruno López Petzoldt
Censura, Análise do discurso, Cinema - Censura, Literatura - Censura, Liberdade de expressão
PEREIRA, Thiago Augusto C. Os aspectos do silêncio no jogo dos sentidos: lacunas literárias e cinematográficas em contextos de censura (1966-1980). 2020. 252 p. Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Latino-Americanos) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, 2020.