Formação continuada de professores da rede municipal de Foz do Iguaçu: reflexões a partir da parceria universidade e prefeitura municipal em 2019
Gomes, Flávia Maria
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O presente trabalho foi construído a partir da formação continuada de professores da rede municipal, pertencentes ao Ensino Fundamental – Anos Iniciais (1º ao 5º ano) de Foz do Iguaçu. O percurso do texto foi elaborado a partir da história do município, sua economia, a caracterização da educação básica na rede pública de educação tanto municipal, quanto estadual, o desempenho do Ensino Fundamental I no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica –IDEB, e, por fim a formação de professores e a parceria selada entre a universidade e o município. A metodologia utilizada nessa pesquisa foi o levantamento bibliográfico, a análise de dados coletados nas bases do INEP/MEC, o relato da experiência dos participantes do curso e as imagens registradas durante a realização do curso. A problematização sobre a formação continuada de professores, amparadas por legislações vigentes em âmbito nacional e municipal, em detrimento a política de avaliações de desempenho que são vinculadas a melhorias infraestruturais nas escolas.
The present work was constructed from the continuing training of teachers from the municipal network, belonging to elementary school – Initial Years (1st to 5th year) of Foz do Iguaçu. The text path was elaborated from the history of the municipality, its economy, the characterization of basic education in the public education network both municipal and state, the performance of Elementary Education I in the Basic Education Development Index - IDEB, and, finally, the training of teachers and the partnership sealed between the university and the municipality. The methodology used in this research was the bibliographic survey, the analysis of data collected in the databases of INEP/MEC, the report of the experience of the course participants and the images recorded during the course. The problematization on the continued training of teachers, supported by legislation in force at the national and municipal levels, to the detriment of the policy of performance evaluations that are linked to improvements infrastructure in schools.
The present work was constructed from the continuing training of teachers from the municipal network, belonging to elementary school – Initial Years (1st to 5th year) of Foz do Iguaçu. The text path was elaborated from the history of the municipality, its economy, the characterization of basic education in the public education network both municipal and state, the performance of Elementary Education I in the Basic Education Development Index - IDEB, and, finally, the training of teachers and the partnership sealed between the university and the municipality. The methodology used in this research was the bibliographic survey, the analysis of data collected in the databases of INEP/MEC, the report of the experience of the course participants and the images recorded during the course. The problematization on the continued training of teachers, supported by legislation in force at the national and municipal levels, to the detriment of the policy of performance evaluations that are linked to improvements infrastructure in schools.
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnologia, Infraestrutura e Território da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de licenciado em Geografia - Licenciatura.
Professores - Formação, Ensino Fundamental I, Professores de ensino fundamental - Foz do Iguaçu, Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica- IDEB