Relación entre la diversidad genética y diversidad de especies de peces de la Cuenca del Paraná III
Chanchay Castro, Jerson Rogelio
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Teóricamente la diversidad genética y de especies presenta un paralelismo. Esto se debe, a que
los procesos que mantienen ambos niveles son parecidos. De esta manera, la deriva, selección,
migración y formación de nuevas variantes (mutación y especiación) van a mantener la
diversidad genética y de especie en los locales, simultáneamente. En la actualidad, existen
trabajos que apoyan esta teoría, mostrando una correlación significativa entre ambos niveles.
Aunque, por otro lado, existen también investigaciones que muestran lo contrario. Por este
motivo, el objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar ambos niveles simultáneamente, para analizar
dicha correlación en los peces de la Cuenca Hídrica del Paraná III, además de explorar las
posibles variables que influencian en ambos niveles de diversidad. Para esto se obtuvo los
índices de diversidad y diferenciación genética de la especie Heptapterus mustelinus, y se la
correlaciono con la información de la diversidad de especies de las asambleas de peces de la
Cuenca Hídrica del Paraná III. Esta correlación de la diversidad se la realizo a nivel local
considerándola α (α-SGDC) y entre los locales amostrados denominándola de β (β-SGDC). La
diversidad también fue comparada a nivel local, y entre locales, con las variables ambientales
y distancia geográfica. Los resultados no fueron significativos para las correlaciones α y β. Las
variables ambientales no explicaron la diversidad de especies, pero el pH y sombra fueron
significativos para explicar el aumento de la riqueza de haplotipos. De esta manera, a media
que aumenta la sombra y el pH, disminuye el número de haplotipos. La correlación entre la
estructuración de las asambleas con el ambiente y distancia geográfica no fueron
significativos. Las características generales del hábitat no explicaron la estructuración
genética, no en tanto, la distancia geográfica fue significativa para la diferenciación genética
entre las muestras. De esta manera las muestras son más diferentes genéticamente con el
aumento de la distancia entre ellas. La no significante correlación entre los datos genéticos y
especies pudo deberse al marcador molecular utilizado y posiblemente también al bajo número
de muestras. El aumento del número de haplotipos en lugares con menos sombra, pudo
deberse a la interacción con otras especies como por ejemplo competición, siendo que, en
lugares con mayor sombra esta aumentaría provocando una disminución en la población
efectiva y disminuyendo así el número de haplotipos. Para el pH, la relación no está muy clara,
más la evidencia estadística relata que existe un relación bien fuerte en esas dos variables. De
modo general los resultados son importantes ya que es el primer estudio de este tipo en peces
de riachuelos en la región neo-tropical
Theoretically genetic and species diversity exhibit a parallel behave. This results from the fact that processes keeping both, are quite similar. Thus, evolutionary forces like genetic drift, selection, migration and the rise of new variants by mutation or speciation, going to keep genetic diversity and species simultaneously in the places. Currently, there is research that shows a significant correlation between these issues that support a theory of the relationship between these biological organization levels. Although, on the other hand, there is also evidence showing the opposite. For that reason, the goal of this study was contemplate both levels at the same time in the fishes of Paraná III River basin (BP III) to analyze this correlation and explore the possible variables affecting diversity in both levels. For this purpose, genetic diversity of Heptapterus mustelinus was accessed and was correlated it with information of assemblies species diversity from BP III. This diversity correlation was made at local level contemplating it as α (α-SGDC) and among sampled places as β (β-SGDC). Diversity was compared too in a local level and among places using environmental variables and geographic distance. The results were not significative for the correlations of α and β diversity. The most of the environmental variables didn’t account for species diversity, but pH and shade were significative to give account for increases in the haplotypes richness. In this way, as the pH and shade increasing, the number of haplotypes decreases. The correlation among the assemblies structuration with the environment and distance were not significative. So, the environmental general characteristics didn’t account for the genetic structuration, however, the geographic distance was significative for the genetic differentiation among the samples. Thus, the samples are genetically more different as the distance increasing among them. A non-significative correlation among genetic data sets and species may have been due to the molecular marker and the lower number samples used. The increasing number of haplotypes in places with less shadow may have been due to interactions with other species e.g., competition. Therefore, in places with higher shadow competition will increase, inducing a decreasing on the effective population size and number of haplotypes. The relation for pH is unclear despite statistical evidence that supports a strong relationship between both variables. Overall, the results are very important due to the fat of this kind study be the first for stream fishes in the neotropical region
Theoretically genetic and species diversity exhibit a parallel behave. This results from the fact that processes keeping both, are quite similar. Thus, evolutionary forces like genetic drift, selection, migration and the rise of new variants by mutation or speciation, going to keep genetic diversity and species simultaneously in the places. Currently, there is research that shows a significant correlation between these issues that support a theory of the relationship between these biological organization levels. Although, on the other hand, there is also evidence showing the opposite. For that reason, the goal of this study was contemplate both levels at the same time in the fishes of Paraná III River basin (BP III) to analyze this correlation and explore the possible variables affecting diversity in both levels. For this purpose, genetic diversity of Heptapterus mustelinus was accessed and was correlated it with information of assemblies species diversity from BP III. This diversity correlation was made at local level contemplating it as α (α-SGDC) and among sampled places as β (β-SGDC). Diversity was compared too in a local level and among places using environmental variables and geographic distance. The results were not significative for the correlations of α and β diversity. The most of the environmental variables didn’t account for species diversity, but pH and shade were significative to give account for increases in the haplotypes richness. In this way, as the pH and shade increasing, the number of haplotypes decreases. The correlation among the assemblies structuration with the environment and distance were not significative. So, the environmental general characteristics didn’t account for the genetic structuration, however, the geographic distance was significative for the genetic differentiation among the samples. Thus, the samples are genetically more different as the distance increasing among them. A non-significative correlation among genetic data sets and species may have been due to the molecular marker and the lower number samples used. The increasing number of haplotypes in places with less shadow may have been due to interactions with other species e.g., competition. Therefore, in places with higher shadow competition will increase, inducing a decreasing on the effective population size and number of haplotypes. The relation for pH is unclear despite statistical evidence that supports a strong relationship between both variables. Overall, the results are very important due to the fat of this kind study be the first for stream fishes in the neotropical region
Trabajo de conclusión de curso II, de la Carrera de
Ciencias Biológicas con énfasis en Ecología y
Biodiversidad, en la Universidad Federal de la
Integración Latino-Americana (UNILA).
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Luiz Henrique Garcia
Pereira e Co-orientador: Prof. Dr. Cleto Kaveski Peres
Paralelismo, Genética de comunidades, Ecología de comunidades, Genética de poblaciones, Ictiología, α-SGDC, β-SGDC
CHANCHAY CASTRO, Jerson Rogelio. Relación entre la diversidad genética y diversidad
de especies de peces de la Cuenca del Paraná III. 2017. 43. Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso
(Ciencias Biológicas con énfasis en Ecología y Biodiversidad) - Universidad Federal de la
Integración Latino-Americana, Foz de Iguazú, 2017