Uma abordagem sobre o Haiti como um Estado Falido
Louis, Fouchard
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Este trabalho consiste em uma abordagem sobre o Haiti como um Estado Falido, cujo principal
objetivo foi analisar as características do país a partir desse conceito, considerando que desde
sua independência perdura a questão da instabilidade política, econômica e social no país.
Certamente, durante os períodos de golpe militar e a transição democrática dentro do Estado
haitiano, a situação esteve conturbada, pois o país se encontrava envolvido muitas vezes em um
conflito interno, com violência civil e aumento da criminalidade. Além disso, a frequente má
governança do Estado haitiano e principalmente a corrupção levaram o país a grandes crises e
instabilidade política. Dessa maneira, percebemos que a falta ou mesmo a restrição total da sua
população ao acesso a direitos essenciais como a educação e a saúde formam parte desta
discussão, visto que o Haiti é um Estado falido, com enormes problemas de desigualdade social,
como pobreza extrema, fome e acima de tudo acesso limitado à educação, saúde, trabalho,
alojamento e justiça. Em virtude da instabilidade política o país perde capacidade de controle,
gerando problemas de segurança interna, permitindo inclusive problemas com drogas e também
o tráfico ilícito de armas de fogo. Neste contexto, suas forças armadas internas são, portanto,
incapaz de fornecer uma solução para a restauração relativa de uma paz douradora. O texto
analisa essas questões considerando que um Estado falido necessita de ajuda internacional
frequente e passa por instabilidades políticas. Além disso, desastres naturais podem fazer com
que tal situação perdure. Concluiu-se que o Haiti é um estado falido, por possuir essas
This work consists of an approach to Haiti as a failed state, whose main objective was to analyze the characteristics of the country based on this concept, considering that since its independence the issue of political, economic and social instability in the country continues. Certainly, during times of military coup and democratic transition within the Haitian state, the situation was troubled because the country was often involved in an internal conflict, with civil violence and increased crime. In addition, the frequent bad governance of the Haitian state and especially corruption has led the country to major crises and political instability. In this way, we realize that the lack or even the total restriction of its population to access essential rights such as education and health are part of this discussion, since Haiti is a failed state with enormous problems of social inequality, such as extreme poverty , hunger and, above all, limited access to education, health, work, housing and justice. Due to political instability, the country loses control capacity, generating problems of internal security, allowing even problems with drugs and also illicit traffic in firearms. In this context, their internal armed forces are therefore unable to provide a solution to the relative restoration of a gilding peace. The text examines these issues on the grounds that a failed state needs frequent international aid and political instability. In addition, natural disasters can cause such a situation to endure. It was concluded that Haiti is a failed state, because it has these characteristics
This work consists of an approach to Haiti as a failed state, whose main objective was to analyze the characteristics of the country based on this concept, considering that since its independence the issue of political, economic and social instability in the country continues. Certainly, during times of military coup and democratic transition within the Haitian state, the situation was troubled because the country was often involved in an internal conflict, with civil violence and increased crime. In addition, the frequent bad governance of the Haitian state and especially corruption has led the country to major crises and political instability. In this way, we realize that the lack or even the total restriction of its population to access essential rights such as education and health are part of this discussion, since Haiti is a failed state with enormous problems of social inequality, such as extreme poverty , hunger and, above all, limited access to education, health, work, housing and justice. Due to political instability, the country loses control capacity, generating problems of internal security, allowing even problems with drugs and also illicit traffic in firearms. In this context, their internal armed forces are therefore unable to provide a solution to the relative restoration of a gilding peace. The text examines these issues on the grounds that a failed state needs frequent international aid and political instability. In addition, natural disasters can cause such a situation to endure. It was concluded that Haiti is a failed state, because it has these characteristics
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao
Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e
Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título
de Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e Integração.
Orientador: Prof. Marcelino Teixeira Lisboa
Estado falido, Haiti, Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU)
LOUIS, Fouchard. Uma abordagem sobre o Haiti como um Estado Falido. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Relações Internacionais e Integração) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana(Unila), Foz do Iguaçu, 2018.