A Iconografia Plástica Latino-Americana: Antonio Berni
Bianchini, Talitha Perez
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A Arte, em suas diversas linguagens, torna-se elemento integrador, libertador e de oportunidade
de compreensão a povos e indivíduos. Por meio dela, consegue-se encurtar distâncias e alicerçar
paradigmas. A presente pesquisa tem como objeto reconhecer parte da iconografia latino-
americana através da obra de Antonio Berni, artista argentino que, em seu discurso plástico,
salienta a desigualdade social na Argentina e conduz à reflexão e à análise dos processos
históricos, sociais e políticos nos países da América Latina. A Semiótica, ciência que leva em
consideração o estudo e a compreensão integral das linguagens através dos signos, auxilia na
conexão das hipóteses levantadas para este estudo, criando meios de análise e síntese para
compreensão de sistemas complexos de linguagens, culturas e sociedades. É através da
Semiótica peirceana que pretende-se analisar e expor as facetas da obra de Berni, estabelecendo
relações entre arte, cultura, história, sociedade e política, ponderando aspectos culturais e
humanos, únicos e singulares. Por meio deste trabalho, espera-se indicar a relevância da
formação estética, que auxilia na ampliação e compreensão cultural e social do processo
artístico, e que provê elementos de significância ao indivíduo, esclarecendo sobre suas
capacidades e potencialidades através do conhecimento de suas origens
The Art, in its different languages, becomes an element of integration, releasing and an opportunity for comprehension for communities and individuals. Through art, it may be shortened distances and consolidate paradigms. This project has as object of research, recognize part of the Latin American iconography through the work of Antonio Berni, an Argentinian artist that in his artistic discourse emphasizes to the discourse on social inequality in Argentina and leads to reflection and analysis of historical, social and political processes the countries of Latin America. Semiotics, the science that takes into account the study and full comprehension of the language through the signs, assists in the connection of the hypotheses for this study. It creates paths of analysis and synthesis for understanding complex systems of languages, cultures and societies. It is through Peirce's semiotics, which aims to analyse and expose the aspects of Berni`s works, establishing relations between art, culture, history, society and politics and considering cultural and human aspects in their uniqueness and singularity. Through this work, it is expected to indicate the relevance of aesthetic shaping, that assists in the cultural and social expansion and comprehension in an artistic process. And, that provides the elements of meaningfulness for the individual, clarifying about their skills and capabilities through knowledge of its origins
The Art, in its different languages, becomes an element of integration, releasing and an opportunity for comprehension for communities and individuals. Through art, it may be shortened distances and consolidate paradigms. This project has as object of research, recognize part of the Latin American iconography through the work of Antonio Berni, an Argentinian artist that in his artistic discourse emphasizes to the discourse on social inequality in Argentina and leads to reflection and analysis of historical, social and political processes the countries of Latin America. Semiotics, the science that takes into account the study and full comprehension of the language through the signs, assists in the connection of the hypotheses for this study. It creates paths of analysis and synthesis for understanding complex systems of languages, cultures and societies. It is through Peirce's semiotics, which aims to analyse and expose the aspects of Berni`s works, establishing relations between art, culture, history, society and politics and considering cultural and human aspects in their uniqueness and singularity. Through this work, it is expected to indicate the relevance of aesthetic shaping, that assists in the cultural and social expansion and comprehension in an artistic process. And, that provides the elements of meaningfulness for the individual, clarifying about their skills and capabilities through knowledge of its origins
Trabalho apresentado para Defesa em nível de Mestrado. Área de concentração em Integração,
Cultura e Sociedade da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito
parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Integração Contemporânea da América Latina.
Orientador: Prof. Dra. Clara Agustina Suárez Cruz
Cultura Latino-Americana, Artes Plásticas, Antonio Berni (1905-1981) - artista argentino
BIANCHINI, Talitha Perez. A Iconografia Plástica Latino-Americana: Antonio Berni. 102 páginas. Dissertação de Mestrado em Integração Contemporânea da América Latina – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017.