La respuesta del Municipio de San Juan Ixtenco a la integración competitiva y el uso corporativo del territorio
Cabrera Cortés, Luis Ricardo
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El desarrollo neoliberal mexicano dirige su producción, capital social e infraestructura hacia el exterior, integrándose a los sistemas productivos internacionales. La conformación de bloques económicos como el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), el Proyecto Mesoamérica y la Alianza del Pacifico (AP) refuerzan la condición de México como país alineado a una política de libre mercado. Dentro de este marco de integración competitiva, el espacio indígena y campesino mantiene una característica alternativa al uso corporativo del territorio. Esta tesis muestra dos perspectivas del territorio y de qué manera se entrecruzan en la región sociocultural a las faldas del volcán de la Malinche oMalintzi en los límites de los estados centrales de Puebla y Tlaxcala; una parte desde la empresa automotriz Audi y la segunda desde el pueblo otomí de San Juan Ixtenco
The Mexican development neoliberalism directs its production, social capital and infrastructure outward, integrating itself to the international productive systems. The formation of economics blocs such as the North America Free Trade Treatment (NAFTA), the Mesoamerica Project and the Pacific Alliance (PA), reinforce Mexican’s status as a country aligned with a free market policy. Within this framework of competitive integration, the indigenous and peasants space maintains an alternative feature to the corporative use of the territory. This research shows two perspectives from the territory and how they intersect at the socio-cultural region in the slopes of the volcano of the Malinche in the limits of the central states of Puebla and Tlaxcala; a part from the Audi automotive company and the second from the otomi village of San Juan Ixtenco.
The Mexican development neoliberalism directs its production, social capital and infrastructure outward, integrating itself to the international productive systems. The formation of economics blocs such as the North America Free Trade Treatment (NAFTA), the Mesoamerica Project and the Pacific Alliance (PA), reinforce Mexican’s status as a country aligned with a free market policy. Within this framework of competitive integration, the indigenous and peasants space maintains an alternative feature to the corporative use of the territory. This research shows two perspectives from the territory and how they intersect at the socio-cultural region in the slopes of the volcano of the Malinche in the limits of the central states of Puebla and Tlaxcala; a part from the Audi automotive company and the second from the otomi village of San Juan Ixtenco.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-
Graduação Integração Contemporânea em América
Latina da Universidade Federal da
Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à
obtenção do título de Mestre em Integração
Contemporânea em América Latina.
Orientador: Prof. Félix Pablo Friggeri
Integración competitiva, Uso corporativo del territorio, Territorio Indígena, Otomíes
CABRERA CORTÉS, Luis Ricardo. La respuesta del Municipio de San Juan Ixtenco a la integración competitiva y el uso corporativo del territorio. 2017. 144 p. Disertación de maestria (Pós-graduação Integração contemporânea em América Latina) - Universidad Federal de la Integración Latino-Americana, UNILA, Foz do Iguazú, 2017.