Distintas Amazonias: entendiendo los criterios para dleimitar La Amazonia en Bolivia
Calderón Barrancos, Jesús
Ribeiro da Silva, Cristóvão Henrique
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Revista Caribeña de las Ciencias Sociales
La definición de Amazonia trae consigo distintas interpretaciones, consideraciones y dimensionamientos, pudiendo estos últimos obedecer a criterios geográficos como la cuenta amazónica (Utilizado por el Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica); criterios biológicos (ecosistema); y/o políticos, como es el caso de la Amazonia Legal Brasileña inclusa en Brasil por Getulio Vargas en 1953, bajo una conceptuación meramente política de valorización mercantil de la región amazónica brasileña. Bolivia a partir de la aprobación de la Nueva Constitución Política del Estado - CPE (2009) define a la Amazonia como una región de interés estratégico y define la dimensión de la misma abarcando parte de tres de los nueve departamentos de Bolivia, en esta definición de límites actual es pasible de críticas y de demanda de una Ley Especial que Regule la Región Amazónica boliviana, de esta misma creemos que obedece a una delimitación política y que actúa bajo un modelo desarrollista que no compatibiliza con la forma de vida de las distintas poblaciones indígenas.
The definition of Amazonia brings with it different interpretations, considerations and sizing, the latter being able to obey geographical criteria such as the Amazonian account (used by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty); biological criteria (ecosystem); and / or politicians, as is the case of the Brazilian Legal Amazon included in Brazil by Getulio Vargas in 1953, under a purely political concept of commercial valorization of the Brazilian Amazonian region. Bolivia from the approval of the New Political Constitution of the State - CPE (2009) defines the Amazon as a region of strategic interest and defines the dimension of it encompassing part of three of the nine departments of Bolivia, in this definition of Current limits are subject to criticism and demand of a Special Law to Regulate the Bolivian Amazon Region, of this we believe that it obeys a political delimitation and that it acts under a developmental model that does not make compatible with the way of life of the different indigenous populations
The definition of Amazonia brings with it different interpretations, considerations and sizing, the latter being able to obey geographical criteria such as the Amazonian account (used by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty); biological criteria (ecosystem); and / or politicians, as is the case of the Brazilian Legal Amazon included in Brazil by Getulio Vargas in 1953, under a purely political concept of commercial valorization of the Brazilian Amazonian region. Bolivia from the approval of the New Political Constitution of the State - CPE (2009) defines the Amazon as a region of strategic interest and defines the dimension of it encompassing part of three of the nine departments of Bolivia, in this definition of Current limits are subject to criticism and demand of a Special Law to Regulate the Bolivian Amazon Region, of this we believe that it obeys a political delimitation and that it acts under a developmental model that does not make compatible with the way of life of the different indigenous populations
Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2019 en la revista Caribeña de las Ciencias Sociales
Amazonia, Cuenca Amazónica, Bolivia
CALDERÓN-BARRANCOS, Jesús; RIBEIRO-SILVA, C. H. Distintas Amazonias: entendiendo los criterios para dleimitar La Amazonia en Bolivia. Revista Caribeña de las Ciencias Sociales. fev. 2019.