Caminho das águas do Rio M'Boicy: o artesanato como instrumento de Educação Ambiental
Locks, Noeli Alice Royer
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Este trabalho apresenta resultados de projeto coletivo bem como a análise da experiência
vivida no âmbito da especialização em EA da UNILA. A análise de experiência está
relatada em memorial e tem o objetivo de refletir o processo de construção do
conhecimento, aprendizagens, transformações e redirecionamentos adotados durante o
curso. Os resultados obtidos no Projeto Caminho das Águas do Rio M’Boicyem Foz do
Iguaçu, são fruto de um trabalho participativo de educação ambiental que ocorreu em um
dos bairros da zona urbana central do município e que foi capaz de unir diversos atores
sociais, incluindo comunidade local, órgãos públicos e universidade, em busca de
melhorias no meio ambiente local. Para tanto, inicialmente identificou-se os problemas
socioambientais existentes naquela área, mediante diálogo com os moradores, para então
dar início ao conjunto de atividades de educação ambiental e recuperação da mata ciliar.
Pode-se dizer que os resultados relatados aqui são parciais, tendo em vista que os
benefícios alcançados com o projeto certamente se estenderão muito além do presente
momento, não podendo, portanto, ser devidamente mensurados e computados
atualmente em sua integralidade. Contudo, é possível afirmar com segurança, que os
resultados obtidos de modo geral são bastante significativos. Além disso, concluiu-se que
foi de fundamental importância para o êxito das ações realizadas a integração entre os
vários grupos organizados, possibilitando o encaminhamento adequado das discussões
sobre os problemas diagnosticados e suas possíveis soluções
This paper presents results of a collective project as well as the analysis of the experience of UNILA's specialization in EA. The experience analysis is reported in memorial and aims to reflect the process of knowledge construction, learning, transformations and redirections adopted during the course. The results obtained at the M'Boicy River Waters Project in Foz do Iguaçu are the result of a participatory environmental education project that took place in one of the districts of the city's central urban zone and was able to unite diverse social actors, including local community, public agencies and university, in search of improvements in the local environment. In order to do so, it was initially identified the socio-environmental problems that exist in that area, through dialogue with the residents, to then begin the set of activities of environmental education and recovery of the riparian forest. It can be said that the results reported here are partial, given that the benefits achieved with the project will certainly extend far beyond the present moment, and can not therefore be properly measured and computed at present in their entirety. However, it is safe to say that the results obtained in general are quite significant. In addition, it was concluded that it was of fundamental importance for the success of the actions carried out the integration among the various organized groups, allowing the appropriate referral of the discussions on the problems diagnosed and their possible solutions
This paper presents results of a collective project as well as the analysis of the experience of UNILA's specialization in EA. The experience analysis is reported in memorial and aims to reflect the process of knowledge construction, learning, transformations and redirections adopted during the course. The results obtained at the M'Boicy River Waters Project in Foz do Iguaçu are the result of a participatory environmental education project that took place in one of the districts of the city's central urban zone and was able to unite diverse social actors, including local community, public agencies and university, in search of improvements in the local environment. In order to do so, it was initially identified the socio-environmental problems that exist in that area, through dialogue with the residents, to then begin the set of activities of environmental education and recovery of the riparian forest. It can be said that the results reported here are partial, given that the benefits achieved with the project will certainly extend far beyond the present moment, and can not therefore be properly measured and computed at present in their entirety. However, it is safe to say that the results obtained in general are quite significant. In addition, it was concluded that it was of fundamental importance for the success of the actions carried out the integration among the various organized groups, allowing the appropriate referral of the discussions on the problems diagnosed and their possible solutions
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de especialista em
Educação Ambiental, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental da Universidade Federal da Integração
Latino-americana. Orientador: Prof. Ms. Hélio César Fernandes Marques
Educação ambiental, Matas ripárias, Rio M’Boicy
LOCKS, Noeli Alice Royer. Caminho das águas do Rio M'Boicy: o artesanato como instrumento de Educação Ambiental. 2017. 45 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Educação Ambiental) - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana, UNILA. 2017.