Fabricação e caracterização de sensores eletroquímicos de baixo custo
Novais, Vinícius Campos de
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Sensores eletroquímicos tem se destacado recentemente para análises ambientais por apresentar características como baixo custo e facilidade de operação. Tendo isso em vista, o presente trabalho objetivou o desenvolvimento de um sensor eletroquímico à base de papel, de baixo custo e confecção simples. Inicialmente foi desenvolvida uma pasta condutora à base de carbono e óleo mineral para construção dos eletrodos, utilizando a proporção 60:40 m/m. Então os eletrodos foram preparados pela técnica de serigrafia, utilizando papel cartão como substrato. Uma impressora de corte foi utilizada para fabricar as máscaras com os desenhos dos eletrodos. Para melhor controle da área do eletrodo de trabalho e impedir aspersão da solução por capilaridade, foi adicionado uma barreira hidrofóbica de parafina líquida no verso do dispositivo, que penetrou as fibras do papel. Então, o sensor foi caracterizado por voltametria cíclica, utilizando íons Fe(CN)6 3-/Fe(CN)6 4- como analito. Foi determinada a janela de potencial útil do eletrodo, sendo de aproximadamente 1,1 V, em um intervalo de -0,5 a 0,6 V. A repetibilidade dos sensores foi avaliada pela comparação de 6 dispositivos diferentes, apresentando um desvio padrão relativo no máximo de 6%, sendo semelhante a valores encontrados na literatura. A reversibilidade de processos redox nos eletrodos foi avaliada. Por meio
da equação de Randles-Sevcik verificou-se que há uma relação linear entre a corrente de pico e a raiz quadrada da velocidade de varredura, indicando que o sistema é reversível. Então, a área eletroativa do eletrodo foi obtida aplicando a mesma equação, sendo de 1,483 cm², o que corresponde a 2,7 vezes a área geométrica do eletrodo. Ao final, a resposta dos dispositivos foi avaliada para os íons Cu2+ e Hg2+. Ambos os metais foram detectados pelo sensor. O íon Cu2+ apresentou resposta na faixa de 0,5 a 5,0 mmol L-1 e o íon Hg2+ na faixa de 0,25 a 1,0 mmol L-1.
Electrochemical sensors have recently stood out for environmental analysis due to features such as low cost and ease of operation. The present work aimed at the development of a low cost and simple fabrication paper-based electrochemical sensor. Initially, a carbon and mineral oil-based conductor paste was developed for the electrodes construction. The 60:40 w/w ratio was used. Then the electrodes were screen printed over a paper card. A home cutter printer was used to fabricate the electrode masks to the screen print process. In order to control the working electrode area and to prevent solution spreading by capillarity, a hydrophobic barrier was formed by adding melted paraffin to the verse of the device. The paraffin penetrated the paper fibers. After that, the sensor was characterized by cyclic voltammetry using Fe(CN) 63- /Fe(CN) 64- ions as analyte. The potential range was determined to be approximately 1.1 V, from -0.5 to 0.6 V. The electrode preparation repeatability was evaluated by comparison of 6 devices, which presented a maximum relative standard deviation of approximately 6%, similar to values found in the literature. Thereby, the reversibility of the redox processes that occur on the electrode was verified using the Randles-Sevcik equation. It was verified that there is a linear relation between the current peak and the square root of the scan rate, suggesting the reversibility of the system. Afterwards, the active area of the working electrode was found to be 1.483 cm2, which corresponds to 2.7 times the geometric area. At the end, the devices were applied to detection of Cu 2+ and Hg 2+ ions. Both metals were detected by the sensors. Cu 2+ ions were detected from 0,5 to 5,0 mmol L -1 , and Hg 2+ were detected from 0,25 to 1,0 mmol L -1
Electrochemical sensors have recently stood out for environmental analysis due to features such as low cost and ease of operation. The present work aimed at the development of a low cost and simple fabrication paper-based electrochemical sensor. Initially, a carbon and mineral oil-based conductor paste was developed for the electrodes construction. The 60:40 w/w ratio was used. Then the electrodes were screen printed over a paper card. A home cutter printer was used to fabricate the electrode masks to the screen print process. In order to control the working electrode area and to prevent solution spreading by capillarity, a hydrophobic barrier was formed by adding melted paraffin to the verse of the device. The paraffin penetrated the paper fibers. After that, the sensor was characterized by cyclic voltammetry using Fe(CN) 63- /Fe(CN) 64- ions as analyte. The potential range was determined to be approximately 1.1 V, from -0.5 to 0.6 V. The electrode preparation repeatability was evaluated by comparison of 6 devices, which presented a maximum relative standard deviation of approximately 6%, similar to values found in the literature. Thereby, the reversibility of the redox processes that occur on the electrode was verified using the Randles-Sevcik equation. It was verified that there is a linear relation between the current peak and the square root of the scan rate, suggesting the reversibility of the system. Afterwards, the active area of the working electrode was found to be 1.483 cm2, which corresponds to 2.7 times the geometric area. At the end, the devices were applied to detection of Cu 2+ and Hg 2+ ions. Both metals were detected by the sensors. Cu 2+ ions were detected from 0,5 to 5,0 mmol L -1 , and Hg 2+ were detected from 0,25 to 1,0 mmol L -1
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto
Latino-Americano de Tecnologia, Infraestrutura e
Território da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de
Bacharel em Engenharia Química. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Márcio Sousa Góes e Coorientadora: Profa. Dra. Grazielle de Oliveira Setti
Sensor eletroquímico (base de papel), Serigrafia, Pasta de grafite, Cobre, Mercúrio
NOVAIS, Vinícius Campos de. Fabricação e caracterização de sensores eletroquímicos de baixo custo. 2019. 35 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Química) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, 2019