Os Debates em Torno da Escravidão e a Lei do Ventre Livre (1866-1871)
Oliveira, Alaércio
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O presente trabalho expõe os debates, disputas e tensões sobre a escravidão
durante a Guerra do Paraguai até a Lei do Ventre Livre. Analisaremos essa polêmica
por meio das atas do Conselho de Estado, entre 1866 e 1868, sendo discutida
nestas calorosas seções a necessidade da utilização dos escravos na Guerra do
Paraguai e a compensação do mesmo com a alforria. Durante essas seções foram
apresentados projetos de autoria do conselheiro José de São Vicente e Nabuco, os
quais ao final deram origem aos projetos de lei que culminaram com o processo
inicial de alforria dos escravos, através de indenizações pagas pelo Estado ou pelos
próprios escravos através de trabalhos prestados. Ao final, o que se pode ver é que
os projetos não tinham uma finalidade tácita de acabar com a escravidão, mas sim
fazer com que a mesma fosse adiada por anos, pois os senhores de escravos e o
próprio governo estavam mais preocupados com os prejuízos e a perda da
propriedade, do que com o fim da escravidão em si. Então se poderá perceber que
os projetos buscavam a defesa da propriedade privada e do Estado, e uma forma de
indenização aos donos de escravos, e assim, somente assim admitir a alforria do
mesmo, sendo por grandes gastos governamentais ou trabalhos prestados pelos
The present expose the evolutionary situation (the debates, disputes, tensions) between the need to use the slaves as soldiers in the Paraguayan War [for preservation of the State and the interests of the masters etc.] by the Empire Brazil, in what has culminated in the initiatives of the Law of Abolition of Slavery in Brazil. These laws and projects having made this happen were given during the conjecture of the sections of discussion that we shall analyze this controversy by means of the minutes of the Council of State, between the periods of 1866 and 1868, being in these warm sections discussed the necessity of the use of the slaves in the War of Paraguay and the compensation of the same with the manumission. During these sections, projects by the councilor José de São Vicente and Nabuco were presented, which eventually led to bills that culminated in the initial process of alforria of slaves, through indemnities paid by the state or by the slaves themselves through work. In the end, one can see that the projects had no tacit purpose, to end slavery, but to have it postponed for years, since the slaveholders and the government itself were more concerned with the losses and loss of property, than with the end of slavery itself. Then one can see that the projects have to defend the defense of private property and the state, and a form of compensation to the owners of slaves, and thus only to admit the freedom of the same, whether by large government expenditures or works provided by the slaves
The present expose the evolutionary situation (the debates, disputes, tensions) between the need to use the slaves as soldiers in the Paraguayan War [for preservation of the State and the interests of the masters etc.] by the Empire Brazil, in what has culminated in the initiatives of the Law of Abolition of Slavery in Brazil. These laws and projects having made this happen were given during the conjecture of the sections of discussion that we shall analyze this controversy by means of the minutes of the Council of State, between the periods of 1866 and 1868, being in these warm sections discussed the necessity of the use of the slaves in the War of Paraguay and the compensation of the same with the manumission. During these sections, projects by the councilor José de São Vicente and Nabuco were presented, which eventually led to bills that culminated in the initial process of alforria of slaves, through indemnities paid by the state or by the slaves themselves through work. In the end, one can see that the projects had no tacit purpose, to end slavery, but to have it postponed for years, since the slaveholders and the government itself were more concerned with the losses and loss of property, than with the end of slavery itself. Then one can see that the projects have to defend the defense of private property and the state, and a form of compensation to the owners of slaves, and thus only to admit the freedom of the same, whether by large government expenditures or works provided by the slaves
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao
Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e
História da Universidade Federal da Integração
Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à
obtenção do título de Bacharel em História –
Diversidade Cultural Latino-Americana.
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Faustinoni Bonciani
Conselho de Estado (1866-1868), Lei do Ventre Livre, Propriedade privada, Escravidão, Alforria
OLIVEIRA, Alaércio. Os Debates em Torno da Escravidão e a Lei do Ventre Livre (1866 – 1871). 2017. 61 páginas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Bacharel em História – Diversidade Cultural Latino-Americana – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017