La Política Externa de los EUA en el Conflicto Sirio (2011-2016)
Guerrero Guerrero, María Alejandra
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Con el fin de la Guerra Fría, EUA se posicionó como la única superpotencia en el sistema internacional, tanto que los años 1990 son hasta hoy conocidos como “el momento unipolar”. A partir de los años 2000, con la redistribución de la riqueza a nivel global y el ascenso geopolítico de dos polos de poder eurasiáticos, Rusia y China, el escenario internacional pasó a tener una nueva configuración en la que ya no había una hegemonía tan clara como en la del sistema unipolar. Ese período del sistema internacional y de nuestro presente, ubica a los EUA como una potencia hegemónica en un sistema multipolar desbalanceado. El conflicto sirio, iniciado al comienzo de la segunda década del siglo XXI, es un importante ejemplo de esa configuración del sistema. Así, nuestro objetivo es demostrar que EUA se encuentra envuelto en el conflicto sirio con el interés estratégico de aumento de poder, ya que Siria es una pieza central para el conjunto del Medio Oriente. Para ello, se parte de un análisis de su política externa direccionada a Siria bajo la administración Obama (2011 al 2016), quien llegó al poder con un discurso más pacifista que el de su antecesor, pero que no pudo alejarse de los conflictos en regiones estratégicas como Siria.
With the end of the Cold War, US became the only superpower in the international system, and the 1990s are still known as "the unipolar moment". Starting in the 2000s, with the global redistribution of wealth and the geopolitical re-emergence of two Eurasian poles of power, Russia and China, the international scenario changed to a new configuration in which there was no longer such a clear hegemony as in the unipolar system. That period of the international system, which is its present moment, places the USA as a hegemonic power in an unbalanced multipolar system. The Syrian conflict, initiated at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, is an important example of this configuration of the system. Thus, our objective is to demonstrate that the USA is involved in the Syrian conflict with the strategic interest of increasing power, since Syria is a central piece for the Middle East as a whole. For this, it is based on an analysis of its foreign policy addressed to Syria under the Obama administration (2011-2016), who came to power with a more pacifist discourse than his predecessor, but who could not get away from conflicts in strategic regions such as in Syria.
With the end of the Cold War, US became the only superpower in the international system, and the 1990s are still known as "the unipolar moment". Starting in the 2000s, with the global redistribution of wealth and the geopolitical re-emergence of two Eurasian poles of power, Russia and China, the international scenario changed to a new configuration in which there was no longer such a clear hegemony as in the unipolar system. That period of the international system, which is its present moment, places the USA as a hegemonic power in an unbalanced multipolar system. The Syrian conflict, initiated at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, is an important example of this configuration of the system. Thus, our objective is to demonstrate that the USA is involved in the Syrian conflict with the strategic interest of increasing power, since Syria is a central piece for the Middle East as a whole. For this, it is based on an analysis of its foreign policy addressed to Syria under the Obama administration (2011-2016), who came to power with a more pacifist discourse than his predecessor, but who could not get away from conflicts in strategic regions such as in Syria.
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao
Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e
Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título
de Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e Integração.
Orientador: Dr. Marcelino Teixeira Lisboa
Política Externa - (Siria e Estados Unidos), Barack Hussein Obama (1961-) - político americano
GUERRERO GUERRERO, María Alejandra. La Política Externa de los EUA en el Conflicto Sirio (2011-2016). 2018. 63 f. Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso (Graduación en Relaciones Internacionales e Integración). Universidad Federal de Integración Latino-Americana, Foz do
Iguaçu, 2018.