Estudo para ampliação do uso da madeira para a construção de habitações no Brasil
Rovaris, Camila
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar fatores que interfiram no desenho de estratégias para a promoção do uso da madeira na construção brasileira de habitações, considerando as perspectivas “top-down” e “bottom-up”. Para isso a pesquisa foi dividida em 5 capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a introdução com a fundamentação teórica sobre o tema. No capítulo dois fez-se uma avaliação de estratégias de promoção para o aumento do uso da madeira em fins de longo ciclo de vida na construção, em panorama mundial, por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, onde foram constatadas 16 localidades que estão promovendo ou que promoveram o uso da madeira na construção. Foram analisadas as metodologias utilizadas, objetivos, dificuldades e resultados, para identificar elementos que auxiliem na fundamentação de estratégias específicas para o Brasil. No capítulo três caracterizou-se o mercado brasileiro de habitação de madeira, suas técnicas construtivas para compreender o desenvolvimento do cenário de habitações de madeira ao longo dos anos e analisá-lo para a contextualização de estratégias. Na sequência, no capítulo quatro, foi realizado um estudo com os consumidores efetivos de habitações em madeira por meio de aplicação de questionários, onde fez-se aplicação na internet para a pesquisa por amostragem e de forma presencial em estudo de caso específico na Vila A em Foz do Iguaçu; e o capítulo cinco as conclusões gerais da pesquisa. Buscou-se identificar potencialidades e obstáculos para o uso do material segundo o ponto de vista do usuário, suas motivações para aquisição/uso, bem como suas satisfações. Concluiu-se que alguns países estão promovendo o uso da madeira na construção civil como forma de mitigar os impactos ambientais causados pelas emissões de CO2, apesar disso, não foram encontradas iniciativas com metas de redução dessas emissões. Notou-se que, todas as localidades que estão promovendo o aumento do uso da madeira apresentaram algum tipo de dificuldade, relacionadas a proibições de uso do material, regulamentações desfavoráveis, não cultura do uso da madeira e percepções negativas da população, até mesmo aquelas em que já possuem tradição madeireira. Por parte do consumidor, considerando as limitações do estudo, a principal motivação de aquisição/uso de uma habitação de madeira é o seu baixo preço, onde a maior parte da amostra está concentrada em um público com baixo poder aquisitivo. Os principais pontos positivos de uma habitação em madeira segundo o consumidor foram: velocidade de construção, aconchego, baixa produção de resíduos, durabilidade, estética, conforto térmico, preço de aquisição, fácil manutenção e baixa umidade/infiltração. Já os principais pontos negativos foram: ataque de insetos/cupins; ruídos; isolamento acústico; preço de venda; e, susceptibilidade ao incêndio, onde as residências pré-fabricadas apresentaram fatores mais positivos. Diante das dificuldades substanciais do Brasil relacionadas a utilização da madeira na construção civil em fins de longo prazo, as estratégias adotadas devem ser articuladas, com cooperação entre os setores público e privado. Acredita-se que melhorias tecnológicas e desenvolvimento do setor de produtos industrializados em madeira possa ser um fator a ser tratado com relevância no desenho de estratégias para o Brasil para ampliar o emprego deste material.
The objective of this research was to identify factors that interfere in the design of strategies to promote the use of wood in the Brazilian housing industry, considering the “top-down” and “bottom-up” perspectives. For this the research was divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction with the theoretical foundation on the subject. In chapter two an evaluation of promotion strategies for the increase of the use of the wood in ends of long cycle of life in the construction, in world panorama, was made through bibliographical survey, where were found 16 localities that are promoting or that promoted the use of wood in construction. The methodologies used, objectives, difficulties and results were analyzed to identify elements that help in the foundation of specific strategies for Brazil. In chapter three the Brazilian wood housing market was characterized, its constructive techniques to understand the development of the scenario of wooden dwellings over the years and to analyze it for the contextualization of strategies. In the sequence, in chapter four, a study was carried out with the actual consumers of wooden dwellings through the application of questionnaires, where it was applied on the internet for the research by sampling and face-to-face in a specific case study in Vila A in Foz do Iguaçu; and chapter five the general conclusions of the research. We sought to identify potentialities and obstacles to the use of the material according to the user's point of view, their motivations for acquisition / use, as well as their satisfactions. It was concluded that some countries are promoting the use of wood in construction as a way to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by CO2 emissions, despite the fact that no initiatives have been found with targets to reduce these emissions. It was noted that all localities that are promoting increased use of wood presented some type of difficulty, related to prohibitions of use of the material, unfavorable regulations, non-wood culture and negative perceptions of the population, even those in which already have a timber tradition. Considering the limitations of the study, the main motivation for the purchase/use of a wooden housing is the low price, where most of the sample is concentrated in a low-income public. The main positive points of a wooden housing according to the consumer were: construction speed, warmth, low waste production, durability, aesthetics, thermal comfort, purchase price, easy maintenance and low humidity/infiltration. The main negative points were: insect / termite attack; noise; soundproofing; sale price; and susceptibility to fire, where prefabricated homes had more positive factors. In view of Brazil's substantial difficulties related to the use of wood in construction for long-term purposes, the strategies adopted must be articulated, with cooperation between the public and private sectors. It is believed that technological improvements and development of the industrialized products sector in wood can be a factor to be treated with relevance in the design of strategies for Brazil to expand the use of this material
The objective of this research was to identify factors that interfere in the design of strategies to promote the use of wood in the Brazilian housing industry, considering the “top-down” and “bottom-up” perspectives. For this the research was divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction with the theoretical foundation on the subject. In chapter two an evaluation of promotion strategies for the increase of the use of the wood in ends of long cycle of life in the construction, in world panorama, was made through bibliographical survey, where were found 16 localities that are promoting or that promoted the use of wood in construction. The methodologies used, objectives, difficulties and results were analyzed to identify elements that help in the foundation of specific strategies for Brazil. In chapter three the Brazilian wood housing market was characterized, its constructive techniques to understand the development of the scenario of wooden dwellings over the years and to analyze it for the contextualization of strategies. In the sequence, in chapter four, a study was carried out with the actual consumers of wooden dwellings through the application of questionnaires, where it was applied on the internet for the research by sampling and face-to-face in a specific case study in Vila A in Foz do Iguaçu; and chapter five the general conclusions of the research. We sought to identify potentialities and obstacles to the use of the material according to the user's point of view, their motivations for acquisition / use, as well as their satisfactions. It was concluded that some countries are promoting the use of wood in construction as a way to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by CO2 emissions, despite the fact that no initiatives have been found with targets to reduce these emissions. It was noted that all localities that are promoting increased use of wood presented some type of difficulty, related to prohibitions of use of the material, unfavorable regulations, non-wood culture and negative perceptions of the population, even those in which already have a timber tradition. Considering the limitations of the study, the main motivation for the purchase/use of a wooden housing is the low price, where most of the sample is concentrated in a low-income public. The main positive points of a wooden housing according to the consumer were: construction speed, warmth, low waste production, durability, aesthetics, thermal comfort, purchase price, easy maintenance and low humidity/infiltration. The main negative points were: insect / termite attack; noise; soundproofing; sale price; and susceptibility to fire, where prefabricated homes had more positive factors. In view of Brazil's substantial difficulties related to the use of wood in construction for long-term purposes, the strategies adopted must be articulated, with cooperation between the public and private sectors. It is believed that technological improvements and development of the industrialized products sector in wood can be a factor to be treated with relevance in the design of strategies for Brazil to expand the use of this material
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil da
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-
Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção
do título de Mestra em Engenharia Civil.
Orientador: Profa. Dra. Katia Regina Garcia
Construção civil - Brasil, Habitação, Construção em madeira, Emissões de CO2
ROVARIS, Camila. Estudo para ampliação do uso da madeira para a construção de habitações no Brasil. 2019. 224 f. Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, 2019