O rádio como instrumento de propaganda política no governo Vargas (1942-1945)
Araújo, Mayck Pereira de
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A pesquisa realizada para este trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como objetivo mostrar o papel do rádio como instrumento importante de propaganda política no governo de Getúlio Vargas, principalmente no período do Estado Novo. O rádio chegou ao Brasil na década de 1920 com objetivos educativos. Nessa primeira década poucas rádios foram inauguradas, pois eram custeadas por pessoas que pagavam mensalidades para a manutenção. Na década seguinte, com a regulamentação da publicidade por Getúlio Vargas, o rádio começa a ganhar um perfil mais comercial, profissional e especializado, com venda de produtos e atrações. Em todo o período que esteve no poder, Vargas viu o rádio como um grande aliado, pois este era uma ferramenta de comunicação de massa já bastante utilizada por líderes da Alemanha e da Itália na época. Ele inaugura os informativos governamentais obrigatórios no rádio que sobreviveram até os dias atuais. O rádio na Era Vargas contribuiu em protestos de oposição, e foi também através dele que o Presidente anunciou o Estado Novo, em 1937. Em 1942, quando Marcondes Filho é escolhido como Ministro do Trabalho, Vargas tenta uma maior aproximação com os trabalhadores brasileiros, que se organizavam em sindicados, e designa este ministro como porta-voz para ministrar palestras radiofônicas a fim de divulgar seus feitos e aumentar sua popularidade enquanto líder absoluto da Nação, mantendo uma linha o mais próximo possível entre governo e trabalhadores. Ao analisar os elementos de propaganda desses discursos proferidos pelo Ministro no programa A Hora do Brasil, conclui-se que as mensagens eram produzidas no sentido de reforçar a imagem do patriarca protetor e ―pai dos pobres‖ do Presidente e o sentimento nacionalista que o manteve no poder, assim como fortalecer o elo entre seu governo e a população que estava mais distante da capital do país.
The research carried out for this course was aimed at showing the role of radio as an important instrument of political propaganda in Getúlio Vargas' government, especially in the Estado Novo period. Radio arrived in Brazil in the 1920s for educational purposes. In that first decade few radios were inaugurated, since they were paid by people who paid monthly for the. In the following decade, with the regulation of advertising by Getúlio Vargas, radio began to gain a more commercial, professional and specialized profile, selling products and attractions. Throughout the period he was in charge, Vargas saw radio as a great ally, following, as it was a mass communication tool already widely used by leaders of Germany and Italy at the time. he opened the mandatory government radio news bulletins that have survived to this day. The radio in the Era Vargas contributed to opposition protests, and it was also through him that the President announced the Estado Novo in 1937. In 1942, when Marcondes Filho was chosen as Minister of Labor, Vargas tried to get closer to the Brazilian workers, Organized as syndicates, designated this minister him as a spokesperson to deliver radio speeches in order to publicize his achievements and increase his popularity as the absolute leader of the Nation, keeping a line as close as possible between government and workers. In analyzing the propaganda elements of these speeches delivered by the Minister in the program "Hora do Brasil", it was concluded that the messages were produced in order to reinforce the image of the president's protector patriarch and "father of the poor" and the nationalist feeling that kept him in charge, as well as strengthen the link between his government and the population that was further away from the capital of the country.
The research carried out for this course was aimed at showing the role of radio as an important instrument of political propaganda in Getúlio Vargas' government, especially in the Estado Novo period. Radio arrived in Brazil in the 1920s for educational purposes. In that first decade few radios were inaugurated, since they were paid by people who paid monthly for the. In the following decade, with the regulation of advertising by Getúlio Vargas, radio began to gain a more commercial, professional and specialized profile, selling products and attractions. Throughout the period he was in charge, Vargas saw radio as a great ally, following, as it was a mass communication tool already widely used by leaders of Germany and Italy at the time. he opened the mandatory government radio news bulletins that have survived to this day. The radio in the Era Vargas contributed to opposition protests, and it was also through him that the President announced the Estado Novo in 1937. In 1942, when Marcondes Filho was chosen as Minister of Labor, Vargas tried to get closer to the Brazilian workers, Organized as syndicates, designated this minister him as a spokesperson to deliver radio speeches in order to publicize his achievements and increase his popularity as the absolute leader of the Nation, keeping a line as close as possible between government and workers. In analyzing the propaganda elements of these speeches delivered by the Minister in the program "Hora do Brasil", it was concluded that the messages were produced in order to reinforce the image of the president's protector patriarch and "father of the poor" and the nationalist feeling that kept him in charge, as well as strengthen the link between his government and the population that was further away from the capital of the country.
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado
ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura
e História da Universidade Federal da
Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito
à obtenção do título de Bacharel em História –
América Latina. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Maria Inês Amarante
Rádio, Trabalhadores, Propaganda, Política, Getúlio Vargas - expresidente brasileiro
ARAÚJO, Mayck Pereira de. O rádio como instrumento de propaganda política no governo Vargas (1942-1945). 2017. 60 páginas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em História – América Latina) – Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Foz do Iguaçu, 2017.