Memórias na sustentabilidade das águas do Rio M’Boicy
Hartmann, Viviana Morel de
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Foz do Iguaçu cidade fronteiriça no extremo oeste paranaense é banhada por dois
grandes rios, Rio Paraná e Rio Iguaçu, e seus afluentes de médio e pequeno porte.
Destes afluentes citamos o Rio M’Boicy objeto do nosso estudo. Até meados da
década de 70 do século XX, as águas do Rio Mboicy eram límpidas e cristalinas e o
entorno possuía uma vasta mata ciliar. No começo desta década, a cidade contava
com aproximadamente 30 mil habitantes e no final já contava com 300 mil
habitantes. Esta explosão demográfica gerou uma crise socioambiental, pois muitos
dos que vieram morar na cidade não conseguiram emprego, tendo dificuldades para
conseguir moradia, foram morar em áreas ambientais, entre elas as beiras dos rios
que serpenteiam a cidade. Por cortar a cidade do nordeste ao oeste, o Rio M’Boicy
foi muito prejudicado, pois foram formadas comunidades com status de bairro na sua
beira. Devido a este fenômeno, o rio perdeu sua mata ciliar em boa parte do seu
trajeto e a sua água tornou-se completamente poluída. Diante desta situação
buscou-se desenvolver um projeto que tinha como objetivo a revitalização da beira
do Rio M’Boicy entre as ruas Bartolomeu de Gusmão e Rui Barbosa na região
central da cidade
Foz do Iguaçu border town in the extreme west of Paraná is bathed by two great rivers, Paraná River and Iguaçu River, and its tributaries of medium and small size. Of these tributaries we mention the Rio M'Boicy object of our study. Until the mid-1970s, the waters of the Mboicy River were clear and crystalline and the surroundings had a vast riparian forest. At the beginning of this decade, the city had approximately 30 thousand inhabitants and in the end it already had 300 thousand inhabitants. This demographic explosion generated a socio-environmental crisis, since many of those who came to live in the city did not get a job, having difficulties to get housing, were living in environmental areas, among them the riverbanks that wind the city. By cutting the city from the northeast to the west, the Rio M'Boicy was greatly impaired, because communities were formed with neighborhood status on its brink. Due to this phenomenon, the river lost its ciliary forest in good part of its route and its water became completely polluted. In view of this situation, a project was designed to revitalize the banks of the Rio M'Boicy between Bartolomeu de Gusmão and Rui Barbosa streets in the central part of the city
Foz do Iguaçu border town in the extreme west of Paraná is bathed by two great rivers, Paraná River and Iguaçu River, and its tributaries of medium and small size. Of these tributaries we mention the Rio M'Boicy object of our study. Until the mid-1970s, the waters of the Mboicy River were clear and crystalline and the surroundings had a vast riparian forest. At the beginning of this decade, the city had approximately 30 thousand inhabitants and in the end it already had 300 thousand inhabitants. This demographic explosion generated a socio-environmental crisis, since many of those who came to live in the city did not get a job, having difficulties to get housing, were living in environmental areas, among them the riverbanks that wind the city. By cutting the city from the northeast to the west, the Rio M'Boicy was greatly impaired, because communities were formed with neighborhood status on its brink. Due to this phenomenon, the river lost its ciliary forest in good part of its route and its water became completely polluted. In view of this situation, a project was designed to revitalize the banks of the Rio M'Boicy between Bartolomeu de Gusmão and Rui Barbosa streets in the central part of the city
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de especialista em
Educação Ambiental, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental da Universidade Federal da Integração
Latino-americana. Orientador: Prof. Ms. Hélio César Fernandes Marques
Rio M’Boicy, Matas ripárias