Ramos, Mathias Mesquita2024-06-042024-06-042024https://dspace.unila.edu.br/handle/123456789/8329This study aims to review clinical evidence on various cannabinoid interventions on dementia, as well as the adverse effects associated with these therapies. This study employed a literature review searching in the PubMed database, using specific terms related to cannabinoids and dementia. After title and abstract screening, six articles met the inclusion criteria focusing on randomized controlled trials, and excluding reviews and case reports. Initial findings suggest promise for THC in managing cognitive decline, while Nabilone and CBD warrant further exploration for neuropsychiatric symptoms. Notably, cannabinoids may offer a safer alternative to antipsychotics for managing agitation and aggression. Overall, the favorable safety profile and emerging evidence highlight the considerable potential of cannabinoids in dementia treatment.enopenAccessDementiaCannabinoidsUso de canabinóides no tratamento de demências: revisão de literatura.Article